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EOS research project 2Dto3D
From 2D to 3D crystals: a multi-scale, multi-technique and multi-system approach of the crystallization of organic molecules
The project ‘2Dto3D’ will address unanswered questions in this field, such as "How many polymorphs has a given compound?" or "What drives polymorph selection?". Researchers will explore the occurrence of substrate-induced polymorphism, i.e. the formation of polymorphs that exist only near solid substrates, to gain a fundamental understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.
The project gathers researchers from ULB (Yves Geerts - Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences), Université de Mons, Universiteit Antwerpen, Technische Universität Graz, Max-Planck Institut für Polymerforschung and KULeuven (coordinator).
Created on August 13, 2018