INTERdisciplinary multiscale Assessment of a new generation of Concrete with alkali activated maTerials

This project aims at bridging knowledge gaps for alkali-activated material (AAMs), which have allowed deciphering the multiscale physical properties of Original Portland cement (OPC) systems, the most classical type of cement.

The envisaged research will provide in-depth understanding on the fundamental mechanism of the solidification processes, on rheological properties (workability, fresh state), on volume stability (shrinkage and cracking potential), and on the evolution of mechanical properties (setting, strength, and viscoelastic behaviour). This will be coupled with predictive multiscale modelling. By enhancing the understanding of AAM challenging behavior and pushing forward the limits of current research capabilities, new methods for developing “microstructurally designed concrete” might arise. This project will formulate challenging technique developments, to support new or extended fundamental techniques and will also provide a scientific basis for designing environmentally friendly binders.

This project is coordinated by ULB (BATir Department, Brussels School of Engineering - Stéphanie Staquet & Arnaud Deraemaeker) in partnership with teams from KUL, UGent, VITO from the Flemish Institute for Technological Research and TUWien, the Vienna University of Technology.

Created on August 13, 2018