MUlti-SErvice WIreless NETwork

Wireless networks and devices have entered the daily life of citizens since a few decades now. Engineers and scientists are currently designing the next generation of mobile data networks that will enable high-data-rate access to mobile users and support the development of various applications. Increasing attention is also drawn to a new wireless ecosystem, supporting data transfer and providing a variety of services such as wireless power transfer, positioning of mobile nodes, etc.
This new project aims at developing a multi-service wireless network. Historically, the network is designed to address just one service at a time, leading to a rather inefficient use of the wireless infrastructure. Therefore, there is plenty of room to analyse and much more systematically design the entire wireless ecosystem and provide several new performances, thanks to a unique shared infrastructure.
Coordinated by the Université Catholique de Louvain, the project associates teams from Universiteit Gent, KULeuven and ULB. The wireless communication group at ULB (Brussels School of Engineering) will investigate how to achieve performance gains by exploiting the links between communications signals and positioning services.
Created on August 13, 2018