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ULB EURAXESS Career Development Centre for Researchers

The main goal of the ULB EURAXESS Career Development Centre for Researchers is to coordinate the general training offer for researchers and the support for the professional development of researchers.

Our training programme for researchers

As part of its human resource strategy for researchers (HRS4R), ULB has developed a full catalogue of general training sessions to help its researchers acquire cross-cutting skills (complementing specific scientific skills) and further their career at any stage.

These free training sessions may take different forms (small groups, one-on-one coaching, etc.) and cover the following topics:

  • Languages and communication
  • Research
  • Supervision and management
  • Teaching
  • Career and skills
The EURAXESS platform offers career development tools. To get access to the platform, please note that you need to register. Other useful links: 
Contact: formation.DR@ulb.be


Research career opportunities in French-speaking Belgium

The EURAXESS network of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (WBF) has compiled a document detailing the funding opportunities that a researcher might have at each stage of their career in French-speaking Belgium.

The content of this document is based on the information available on 10-03-2025. For further details, please contact the WBF EURAXESS Contact Points/Service Centers.

Updated on March 14, 2025