The ULB is involved in several ERDF 2021-2027-funded research projects, in Brussels and in Wallonia.

The European Regional Development Fund - or ERDF - is on of the European structural and investment funds. It aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions.

The ULB is involved in several ERDF 2021-2027 research projects, in Brussels and in Wallonia.

In Brussels

The ULB is involved in several ERDF-funded research projects in the Brussels-Capital Region, acting as either coordinator or partner:


The research focuses on projects establishing a strong link between ICT and the following sectors: Health and Support Services, Resources and Waste, Sustainable Food and Horeca, Sustainable Construction and Renewables and, last but not least, Media, Creative Sectors and Tourism. The project also involves setting up a Hardware Innovation Lab (HIL) and a research coordination and exploitation (technology transfer) unit.


Driven by the ULB's Brussels School of Engineering, the aim of the BruGeoTherMap project is to exploit the geothermal potential of the Brussels-Capital Region. To accomplish this, the project relies on a network of partners: apart from the ULB, the VUB, the Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB), Brussels Environment and the CSTC.

Also in Brussels

The ULB is a partner in several other research projects in which the following ULB departments are participating: CEESE (SBS-EM), LoUIsE (Faculty of Architecture), ATM (Brussels School of Engineering) and the Department of Landscape Ecology and Plant Production Systems (Faculty of Science).

Logo des projets subventionnés par le FEDER et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale

in Wallonia

The ULB is involved in several ERDF-funded research projects in Wallonia, and more precisely in Charleroi, acting as either coordinator or partner:

Wallonia Biomed

The Wallonia Biomed portfolio aims to develop walloon economy, throughout its biomedical sector. Driven by the ULB in partnership with UMONS and the collective research centres ImmuneHealth and CER Group, this portfolio concerns Charleroi's Biopark' main research specialisms:
- imaging, following the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment and new competences within the Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging (CMMI);
- immunology and pre-clinical development, with a focus on immunotherapy research projects;
- and human biological sample.

Centre of excellence in energy efficiency and sustainable development

Piloted by Igretec, the municipal services provider, this project brings together various academic partners - several teams from the ULB Faculty of Applied Science, UMONS, the UCL and the ULg -, research centres - CENAERO, Materia Nova, CERTECH, CRIC, CRA-W - and companies. The objective is to bring together knowledge and state-of-the-art facilities on the same site with a view to tackling various energy-related problems, in line with European and Walloon energy policy.

The ULB will be playing a key role in two research projects: the generation of biofuels from different biomass sources and the large-scale production of solids for storing thermal energy.

Also in Charleroi...

The ULB is partnering several other research projects, in which various ULB departments are participating: the SBS-EM Centre for Economic and Social Studies on the Environment (CEESE), the Faculty of Applied Science's 4MAT, BATiR and TIPs departments, and the Faculty of Science's Laboratory of Polymer and Soft Matter Dynamics.

Logo des projets subventionnés par le FEDER, la Wallonie et la FWB

Updated on May 17, 2024