Registration certificates for enrolled student for the current academic year

Your registration certificates for the current academic year can be downloaded from your MonULB portal, in the tab "My virtual secretariat", "My certificates and provisional student card"

  • Transports (STIB, TEC, DELIJN, SNCB)
  • Family allowances
  • Health insurance
  • French Community certificate
  • Registration certificate
  • Provisional student card
  • Cycle success certificate
  • Certificate for the renewal of the residence permit
  • No debt certificate

Attestations and Certificates to obtain at the Registration Office

Various certificates or attestation can only be requested at the registration office.

If you are a student or a former student and wish to obtain an attestation, two options are available to you:


Come here, bringing with you your ID card and your student card. 

Our location :
Building S Level 4

Desk H
Avenue A. Buyl, 87A 

Check our opening hours

The student has to come in person. A third party can obtain a certificate or an attestation for the student only if the third party has a named power of attorney and a signed and dated copy of the ID card of the person concerned. This also applies to the parents of students or former ULB students.

Fee : 1,5€ for each attestation, certificate and EUR 0.60 for any copy thereof

You will need to specify which attestation you need and download a copy of your dated and countersigned ID card.
The required certificates will be sent to you by post and / or email after the receipt of payment


Former student  8 € per request and 1€ by additional attestation
Student registeref in the current academic year The first three certificates are free

Access the online form

Diplomas and grades transcript

The grades transcripts are available online for the enrolled student, on your MonULB portal, section "My grades". If you are not registered for the current academic year, please go to the faculty secretariat
The diplomas are available to the faculty secretariat. 

It is not possible to obtain a duplicata of the diploma, but you can ask for a certified copy by coming to the Registration office with the diploma signed by the student. 

Fee: 0,60€ per page

For any verification of diploma or informations about a student, please send your request to

Certificates to request from your Faculty

Some certificates must be requested directly from your faculty's administrative office:

  • Certificate for education leave
  • "Expected graduation date" certificate
  • Certificate of the annual student program (PAE)
  • Certificate of enrollment for the second exam session
Updated on February 21, 2025