Protecting the environment through a sustainable Erasmus! 
The Erasmus+ programme is changing and going green in response to environmental challenges. Starting in 2021, it will finance more environmentally friendly modes of mobility.
The Green Erasmus project aims to increase environmental awareness of mobility and ultimately reduce the carbon footprint of transport-related mobility activities.

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) developed the Green Erasmus Portal to provide students with information on how to be sustainable before, during and after their Erasmus experience. You will find more information (and plenty of useful tips) on the Green Erasmus website, check it out!
  • To receive up to 4 additional days of scholarship (up to 6 for BIP mobility)
  • To reduce your carbon footprint: CO2 emissions from ULB mainly come from the travel of university members, students, and employees. Student air travel alone accounts for 12% of ULB's emissions!
  • To contribute to the Climate Plan adopted by ULB in 2019
  • Students with fewer opportunities also receive a flat-rate bonus (from 2024-25) which is calculated as follows (except for BIP students) :
KILOMETRIC RANGE (FROM BRUSSELS) Sustainable travel supplement
1-99km +50€
100-499km +150€
500-999km +250€
1000-3999km +350 €

For whom?

Outgoing ULB Erasmus+ students with who use sustainable means of transport to travel to and from their host country, except those going to Belgium or Switzerland.

Please note that to qualify for the Green Erasmus bonus, the round trip between Belgium and the host country must always be made using sustainable means of transport: train, bus, or carpooling via an official platform.


After the end of your stay, please send your completed personal statement (received at the beginning of your stay) + the proof that you travelled sustainably* to and from your host country to: (Erasmus+ mobility), (Hybrid mobility), (FAMES/Outside of Europe mobility) or (Erasmus+ traineeships).

*Sustainable means of transportation = Train or bus tickets, carpooling receipts from an official platform
Trips and transfers taking place during the mobility (i.e. commuting to class) cannot be taken into account

Planning Your Trip

If possible, choose to travel by train, bus, or carpool. Here are some websites to help you plan your sustainable journey effectively:

Traveling by Train:

Traveling by Bus:


Destination only reachable by plane?

Choosing (and Furnishing) Your Accommodation

Every little effort counts, and collectively, the actions of Erasmus students can have a significant positive impact on the environment.

  • Opt for accommodations with eco-certifications, such as LEED or Green Key.
  • If possible, choose accommodations close to the university to reduce daily commutes.
  • Learn about waste sorting in your host country.
  • Need small furniture or kitchen utensils? Opt for second-hand items or check if you can borrow them from friends, your host university, or other students.
  • At the end of your mobility, instead of throwing them away, give items you can't take home to other students or second-hand stores.
During the mobility

Don't forget to pack good habits in your suitcase!

  • Buy locally and responsibly: support local markets, farmers, and artisans to contribute to the local economy and reduce the carbon impact of imported products.
  • Remember to bring a reusable water bottle, a canvas shopping bag, and reusable utensils to reduce single-use plastic waste during your travels.
  • Use buses, trams, subways, and bikes to explore your host city, and choose activities and excursions that focus on responsible discovery of local nature and culture.
Diana's experience

For my transport to my Erasmus destination, I opted for "sustainable" travel. What does this mean? It means taking more sustainable transport than flying: be it train, bus or carpooling.

Personally, I opted for the bus. There are several reasons why I decided to make this kind of journey. On the one hand, for environmental reasons, for which I try to make a minimum commitment, and on the other hand, for purely practical reasons (transfer to and from the airport is often long and expensive, waiting time at the airport, limitations on the volume and content of luggage etc.) and of course for financial reasons.

My journey was as follows: I first had to move all my things from Brussels to Lyon, my home town. To get to Lyon, I took a 10-hour Flixbus ride. Then, the following week, I travelled from Lyon to Malaga by Flixbus as well.

This may come as a surprise, as it was a 26-hour journey, but frankly, once you get into a travelling mood, the journey just comes together. Plus, I really felt like I was travelling, not being "teleported" from one place to another in a few hours by plane.

The bus went through the south-west of France (Bordeaux) and then down to the north-west of Spain (Bilbao), down to the centre through Burgos, Madrid, Jaén, Granada and finally to Málaga, my destination.

All in all, the big advantage is that you get to travel through a lot of great scenery and often meet other travellers!"

Oscar's trip

"To get to Madrid, I travelled by bike and finished my journey by coach".
Here are a few photos...
Jusqu'à Madrid à vélo...  

Yes, it's doable!

Need some inspiration? Here are (some of) the host cities our students have reached using sustainable means of transport: 

  • Innsbruck and Vienna (Austria)
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • Madrid, Granada, Malaga, Salamanca and Girona (Spain)
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • Paris, Lyon, Marseille (France)
  • Rome, Milan, Bologna (Italy)
  • Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Stockholm and Falun (Sweden)
  • Prague, Czech Republic
Updated on July 18, 2024