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International students on individual mobility

Prepare your arrival in Belgium and your studies at ULB.

You will find below the presentation of the online conference of June 12 2024 to prepare your arrival in Brussels and ULB. 

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Consult the student's guide
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Before your arrival in Brussels - enrollment file and visa

Are you an international student who has chosen ULB or is about to do so? Conditions, equivalences, residence rights: before submitting your enrolment, find all the useful information and procedures to follow.

Organising your stay - administrative procedures

In Belgium, whether you are an international student or researcher, the visa you need will depend on both the duration of your stay and your nationality. Although some of the formalities need to be completed in your home country, don’t forget that you will still need to complete some of the administrative processes once you arrive in Belgium.
You must register with the local authority of your place of residence in order to obtain your residence permit.

Medical insurance in Belgium: mandatory for all foreign students

Any further questions?

Learning French

ULB is a French-speaking university. Even though many Masters courses are taught partly or entirely in English, French is still the main language used for teaching and in the student's everyday environment.
Studying at the Université Libre de Bruxelles is a fantastic opportunity to improve your knowledge of the French language while living in the highly cosmopolitan world of the capital of Europe.
In order to improve the language skills of international students, ULB offers a wide range of French courses, both before and during the academic year:
French language courses for students and Erasmus

Calculating your budget

To live in Brussels on a modest budget, you should expect to spend around €800 per month, of which just over half will be needed to pay for housing.  

  • If you do not have a scholarship, you can take a student job to help make ends meet, but bear in mind that this will not be enough to finance your study stay, as there are legal restrictions on the number of hours students can work.
  • If you come from a European Community country, registration with the local authority and your ULB student card are all you need to access student jobs.
  • For non-European students, you will need to apply for a work permit to have the right to take a student job.
InfOR-Études: Study information service

The InfOR-Études advisors can answer any questions about your studies, student life, ULB services, the University's study programmes, job prospects in each area, etc., at any time, throughout the year.
Not sure what to study? Want to change programme or need help to choose the right Master? The InfOR-Études will provide you with information and advice throughout your studies at university.


ESN ULB Brussels is part of the international and European Erasmus Student Network and its mission is to welcome, support and represent international students at ULB by offering them activities related to various causes supported by ESN, namely the environment, education, social inclusion, well-being, and sport and culture
Learn more


Study in Belgium offers a service for international students wishing to undertake a higher education or research stay in French-speaking Belgium. The site lists, in French and English, all the study programmes (Bachelor and Master programmes) as well as the range of continuing education courses leading to a qualification offered by the universities, higher education colleges and higher arts schools of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
Learn more


Feel at home in Brussels!
Are you a student living in Belgium for the first time? Would you like to focus on your studies and on enjoying your time in Brussels?
The Bon integration program can help you with: Practical information about life in Belgium, recognition of foreign diplomas, planning your future after graduation - including work opportunities - and getting started with Dutch. 
Learn more

Updated on June 24, 2024