Moblity Grants

All Mobility grants described below are managed and allocated by the Student Mobility Office. Access to these grants is subjected to compliance with the application process of each type of mobility. Please read the mobility grant regulation at ULB.

The amounts reported below are for informational purposes only and are not binding on ULB. Grants are paid depending on the availability of the fundings we receive from the European Commission and the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, and also from internal funds, when applicable. ULB is not expected to provide grants on internal fundings if the European and national fundings are not sufficient to fund every mobility. The final grant amount is mentioned on the grant contract signed before departure.

Students are entitled to up to 12 months of Erasmus+ and 12 month of FAMES (Non-Erasmus + Belgica) funding for studies and/or internships per cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate).

Students who use a sustainable means of transport to cover the major part of their return journey to their destination country can receive additional scholarship days.

Students with fewer opportunities also receive a flat-rate bonus (from 2024-25). BIP mobilities have their own sustainable supplement and flate-rate bonus (see the Intensive Hybrid Program section at the bottom of the page). The flat-rate bonus is calculated as follows (more information on the Sustainable Travel page):

KILOMETRIC RANGE (FROM BRUSSELS) Sustainable travel supplement
1-99km +50€
100-499km +150€
500-999km +250€
1000-3999km +350 €

Students with fewer opportunities are :

  • Students who received a FWB scholarship the year before departure → Send the official confirmation of the scholarship to your mobility file manager
  • All students that are already helped by the ULB Student Social Service → Ask for the confirmation document
  • Students receiving the Social Integration Income from a Belgian CPAS → Send the official confirmation by the CPAS to your mobility file manager
  • Students with special needs whose physical, mental or medical condition make participation in the mobility action not possible without extra financial aid → Send us your PAI (contact the EBS-ESH Office if you do not have this document already)+ a signed personal statement justifying and detailing any additional expenses you will incur during the mobility due to your personal condition.
  • Students who worked more than 600 hours per calendar year (excluding school vacations) → Send the "Student@Work" certficate OR a work contract + employer's statement (signed and stamped - English/French accepted only) mentioning the number of hours worked to your mobility file manager
  • Primary caretakers of a parent/relative (Residents of Belgium) → Send the ONEM confirmation to your mobility file manager
  • Single parents (Residents of Belgium) who go abroad with a child who is not yet in compulsory education → Send the household composition to your mobility file manager

If you find that our mobility grants are not enough to support yourself, please contact ULB's Student Social Service (SSE) between 26 August and 26 April

Official regulation

Download the official regulation here (French only). Scroll down on this page here for a summary of each grant type :

Erasmus+ for studies

Erasmus+ grants for studies are automatically awarded to students who have applied and who have been selected for a study or internship mobility in Europe, provided that the funds we receive are sufficient. If we do not receive enough funds to give a grant to every student, the Student Mobility Office will proceed to a selection. The modalities of this selection will be communicated via email by the person in charge of your file. Grant amounts vary according to the cost of living in the host country, and to the socio-economic status of the students, according to the table below :


As part of the Erasmus+ 2024 call, the European Commission has announced a change regarding the funding groups. There are now only 2 destination groups instead of 3, and some countries changed their destination group:


Host country (2024/2025 grant amounts)

Standard Erasmus+ grant

Adjusted grant for Students with fewer opportunities

Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days and an additional one time top-up (amount TBC)

Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, FYROM, Greece, Hungary Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days and an additional one time top-up (amount TBC)


Host country (2023/2024 grant amounts)*

Standard Erasmus+ grant Adjusted grant for Students with fewer opportunities
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden


+50€ top-up if Green Travel


+50€ top-up if Green Travel
Germany, Austria, Cyprus ,Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal


+50€ top-up if Green Travel


+50€ top-up if Green Travel
FYROM, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


+50€ top-up if Green Travel


+50€ top-up if Green Travel

*Grant amounts are indicative only, they are subject to change every academic year

Payment modalities

In order to calculate the final amount you are entitled to, we need to know the actual dates of your stay. To do so, we need to wait until the end of your stay, which explains why your grant is paid in two installments:

First payment (70%)
Once the grant contract has been signed by both ULB and the student, and once we have received your OLS test results (from studends who are not exempted), we process the payment of the first part of the grant iwithin 30 days. We will pay 70% of the estimated total amount of your grant, bases on the planned duration of your mobility (as per the dates you put in your grant contract).

Second payment (The balance, not always "30%")
Once we receive your attendance certificate (arrival + departure) and once you have completed the final report, we look at the final duration of your mobility and we calculate the grant amount you are entiled to. We then pay the difference between the final total amount and the first payment.

Since the 1st and 2nd payments are not based on the same duration, the amount may vary, and also it can be negative if you overestimated the duration of your stay. The balance is rarely exactly 30% of the estimated grant, unless you were spot on with your estimation on your contract.

Erasmus+ Internships

Erasmus+ SMT grants are awarded to students who applied in time for their Internship Erasmus+ funding, if the funds we receive are sufficient. If we do not receive enough funds to give a grant to every student, the priority will be given on first come first served basis, while funds last. Grant amounts vary according to the cost of living in the host country, and to the social status of the students, according to the table below :

As part of the Erasmus+ 2024 call, the European Commission has announced a change regarding the funding groups. There are now only 2 destination groups instead of 3, and some countries changed their destination group:

Host country (2024/2025 grant amounts)

Standard Erasmus+ grant

Adjusted grant for Students with fewer opportunities

Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days and an additional mileage bonus (to see above)

Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, FYROM, Greece, Hungary Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days


+if Green Travel: up to 4 extra funded days and an additional mileage bonus (to see above)


Host country (2023/24 grant amounts)*

Classic Grant amount Adjusted grant for Students with less opportunities
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden


+50€ if Green Travel
+50€ if Green Travel
Germany, Austria, Cyprus ,Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal


+50€ if Green Travel
+50€ if Green Travel
FYROM, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


+50€ if Green Travel
+50€ if Green Travel
* *Grant amounts are indicative only, they are subject to change every academic year
Payment modalities

In order to calculate the final amount you are entitled to, we need to know the actual dates of your stay. To do so, we need to wait until the end of your stay, which explains why your grant is paid in two installments:

First payment (70%)
Once the grant contract has been signed by both ULB and the student, and once we have received your OLS test results (from studends who are not exempted), we process the payment of the first part of the grant iwithin 30 days. We will pay 70% of the estimated total amount of your grant, bases on the planned duration of your mobility (as per the dates you put in your grant contract).

Second payment (The balance, not always "30%")
Once we receive your attendance certificate (arrival + departure) and once you have completed the final report, we look at the final duration of your mobility and we calculate the grant amount you are entiled to. We then pay the difference between the final total amount and the first payment.

Since the 1st and 2nd payments are not based on the same duration, the amount may vary, and also it can be negative if you overestimated the duration of your stay. The balance is rarely exactly 30% of the estimated grant, unless you were spot on with your estimation on your contract.

Read more about Internships on the main page for Erasmus+ Internships.

Belgica (Flemish Community)

For non-priority students, a grant application procedure could be set up for the BELGICA grant if the budget is insufficient.



AMO GRANT (for students with fewer opportunities)
100€ lump sum 50 €/ week
+ 50 €/ week if accomodation in host city
75 €/week
+ 50 €/ week if accomodation in host city



AMO GRANT (for students with fewer opportunities)
100€ lump sum 75 €/ week
+ 25 €/ week if accomodation in host city
100 €/week
+ 25 €/ week if accomodation in host city

SEMP (Switzerland)

Mobility programs in Switzerland are primarily funded through SEMP grants, given by the host universities. The amounts and conditions may vary from year to year. For more information, please contact your host university directly or check:

If the budget allows it, ULB then adds a FAMES top-up to match the  Erasmus+ grants amounts for Group 1 countries.
Students with fewer opportunities (= AMO students) and students going to Université de Lausanne (CIVIS partner) are automatically awarded this FAMES top-up.
Other SEMP students have to request the FAMES grant top-up through the FAMES grant procedure (invitation sent by email by the Student Mobility Office at the end of April)
The official grant rates for 2025/2026 will be announced in June 2025.
Students with fewer opportunities: 2550€ per semester.
Other students : 1200€ per semester.

FAMES (Non-UE destinations)

Warning : The demand for stays outside of Europe is rising each year, but the FAMES budget isn't. We want to warn students who have no priority based on their destination or not considered as student with disadvantaged background, that we can only approve very few grant requests every year (between 20% and 40% of grant requests, depending on the number of candidates)

Students leaving for a non-EU mobility can receive the FAMES or Erasmus+ grant. The ULB is allowed to use 20% of its Erasmus+ funds for mobilities outside of Europe, and uses the FAMES funds for the remaining mobilities, once these 20% are spent.

If we do not receive enough funds to give a grant to every student, the Student Mobility Office will proceed to a selection. Should a selection be necessary, the person in charge of your mobility file will send you an email to let you know. Monthly grants may be completed with internal funds if the budget allows it.

The following students will have priority and are guaranteed to receive a FAMES grant :

- students with disadvantaged background (according to the list above on this page)
- students from ISTI with option chinese, russian or arabic
- students selected for the following destinations (ULB privileged partners with whom we have an active agreement) :
  • Waseda University
  • Université de Montréal (including HEC Montréal and Polytechnique Montréal)
  • Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • Université de Lubumbashi
  • Université de Lausanne (SEMP + CIVIS)
  • University of Glasgow (CIVIS)
  • University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (CIVIS)
Students not belonging to any of these categories have no guarantee of receiving a grant. If they wish to receive a grant, they wil have to submit a grant request in May. Depending on the budget (which we also receive only in May), only a few students with less income at their disposal will also be able to receive the FAMES grant. As the grant cannot be guaranteed for non-priority students, please make sure that you have sufficient personal funds to cover for your mobility even without a grant. if you would rather not risk it, choose an Erasmus+ destination instead.

Up to this day, there is no funding for non-EU internships.
Grant duration

Starting from 2024/2025, a new rule is being implemented to give more students a chance to receive the FAMES scholarship.

Students with fewer opportunities (AMO) will continue to receive a scholarship for the entire duration of their stay, to the day (no change).
Other students will now be limited to a maximum of 4 months of scholarship for semester-long stays (up to a maximum of €2800), and 8 months of scholarship for full-year stays (up to a maximum of €5600). If the stay is less than 4 (or 8) months, the total scholarship amount will be calculated to the day.

Grant amounts

Classic FAMES monthly grant amount (2023-2024 and 2024-25)

Adjusted "AMO" FAMES monthly grant amount (2023-2024 and 2024-25) for students from a disadvantaged background


950€/month + Travel fee

Except United Kingdom : 600€/month 850/month

The following transport fee is only accessible for students from a disadvantaged background :

Distance band (from Brussels)

Grant amount (only for students with less opportunities)

Sustainable Grant amount (only for students with less opportunities)










8000km or more



*Grant amounts are indicative only, they are subject to change every academic year

Payment modalities

In order to calculate the final amount you are entitled to, we need to know the actual dates of your stay. To do so, we need to wait until the end of your stay, which explains why your grant is paid in two installments:

First payment (70%)
Once the grant contract has been signed by both ULB and the student, we process the payment of the first part of the grant iwithin 30 days. We will pay 70% of the estimated total amount of your grant, bases on the planned duration of your mobility (as per the dates you put in your grant contract).

Second payment (The balance, not always "30%")
Once we receive your attendance certificate (arrival + departure) and once you have completed the final report, we look at the final duration of your mobility and we calculate the grant amount you are entiled to. We then pay the difference between the final total amount and the first payment.

Since the 1st and 2nd payments are not based on the same duration, the amount may vary, and also it can be negative if you overestimated the duration of your stay. The balance is rarely exactly 30% of the estimated grant, unless you were spot on with your estimation on your contract.

Blended Intensive Programs

Students leaving for a Blended Intensive Program (BIP) receive an Erasmus+ grant if their stay is validated by their faculty.
Grant amounts
BIP 2023-24 Classic grant AMO grant (students with fewer opportunities)
From 1st to 14th day :
79€ per day
100€ lump sum
+ Travel grant fee
From 15th day : 56€ per day + 50€ lump sump

The Traval grant fee is only available for students with fewer opportunities. A bonus depending on the distance is given to AMO students choosing a green mode of travel (train, bus) for most of their travel
10-99km 23€ -
100-499km 180€ +30 €
500-1999km 275€ +45 €
2000-2999km 360€ +50 €
3000-3999km 530€ +80 €
4000-7999km 820€ -
8000km ou + 1500€ -

A 50€ bonus (not depending on the distance) is also given to non-AMO students choosing a sustainable means of transportation (train, bus or car-sharing via an official platform) for the round-trip to the host country and back.

Payment modalities

We pay the full BIP grant upfront before departure. If the duration changes in the end, we recalculate and pay (or resquest a refund of) the balance.

Updated on February 13, 2025