Information for students with fewer opportunities (AMO students)

Each year, more than 20% of students going abroad benefit from the "AMO" status, dedicated to students with fewer opportunities. AMO stands for "à moins d'opportunités" in French. This primarily includes additional financial support to the standard mobility grant for students facing financial difficulties or with specific needs, as well as support from various university services.

AMO Categories

At ULB, the following categories are eligible for the AMO status. To benefit from this status during mobility, a specific document is required when applying for an exchange program:

  • Students who received a FWB scholarship the year before departure → Send the official confirmation of the scholarship to your mobility file manager
  • All students that are already helped by the ULB Student Social Service → Ask for the confirmation document
  • Students receiving the Social Integration Income from a Belgian CPAS → Send the official confirmation by the CPAS to your mobility file manager
  • Students with special needs whose physical, mental or medical condition make participation in the mobility action not possible without extra financial aid → Send us your PAI (contact the EBS-ESH Office if you do not have this document already)+ a signed personal statement justifying and detailing any additional expenses you will incur during the mobility due to your personal condition.
  • Students who worked more than 600 hours per calendar year (excluding school vacations) → Send the "Student@Work" certficate OR a work contract + employer's statement (signed and stamped - English/French accepted only) mentioning the number of hours worked to your mobility file manager
  • Primary caretakers of a parent/relative (Residents of Belgium) → Send the ONEM confirmation to your mobility file manager
  • Single parents (Residents of Belgium) who go abroad with a child who is not yet in compulsory education → Send the household composition to your mobility file manager
Students with specific needs (EBS)

When applying for an exchange program, you are asked to specify if you have specific needs and require special accommodations in your studies. This allows us to notify your host institution and ensure that you receive the same accommodations during your exchange. Often, partner universities also have procedures to welcome exchange students with specific needs and a contact person who can assist you as you complete the registration process abroad.

In addition to this support, there are two categories of financial aid available in certain cases:

  • Students with specific needs: If personal physical, mental, or medical conditions make participation in the mobility project or action impossible without additional financial support, these students receive the enhanced AMO grant (see previous tab).
  • Exceptional costs due to disability or medical conditions: In specific cases, a disability or medical condition may incur exceptional expenses. It is possible to apply for additional aid to cover specific costs not already covered by the AMO grant. These may include costs related to renting equipment or adapted housing, support costs, childcare costs, or preparatory visit costs. A precise estimate is required for such requests, and all payment receipts must be kept to be reimbursed based on actual expenses. These requests are reviewed by the National Agency (AEF-Europe) upon submission by ULB.
AMO grant supplement amounts

Depending on the type of mobility, the additional financial aid varies:

  • For Erasmus+ study or internship stays in Europe (excluding the United Kingdom), the additional amount is €250 per month added to the base amount (€540 or €600 per month, depending on the cost of living in the host country), resulting in a total grant of €790 or €850 per month.
  • For study* stays outside Europe, the additional amount is €250 per month added to the base amount (€700 per month), resulting in a total of €950 per month. AMO students also receive a travel allowance of up to €1500 depending on the distance to the host university.
  • For study* stays in Flanders (Erasmus Belgica), the additional amount is €25 per week added to the base amount (€50 per week), resulting in a total of €75 per week.
  • For BIP mobilities (Blended Intensive Programs), the additional amount is a lump sum of €100 (or €150 for stays of 15 days or more).
Please note that, whether you are an AMO student or not, the ULB does not offer funding for internships outside Europe, nor for internships in Flanders. Since mobility funds are limited at the FWB level, each university must make strategic choices. The ULB sends a large number of students on study stays outside Europe, to the extent that it is already unable to fund them all. This is why there is no possibility of funding for a non-Erasmus internship at ULB, whereas other universities with fewer study stays to manage can offer such grants.

You can find the complete and updated amounts each year on the funding page.
Green travel bonus

If you have AMO status and choose a sustainable means of transportation for your round trip to your exchange destination, ULB offers you a bonus corresponding to the distance between ULB and your host university. The bonus granted to students traveling more than 500 km corresponds to the price of an Interrail pass plus an additional night if the journey takes two days, giving you a good reason to do something for the planet and avoid flying!

Starting from 2025-26, this bonus should be automatically integrated into the Erasmus+ grant, and the detailed bonus below will be replaced by the official sustainable bonuses to be announced in April 2025 by the European Commission, which are expected to be slightly higher than the amounts listed below.

1-99km +50€
100-499km +150€
500-999km +250€
1000-3999km +350 €
AMO Supplements Payment Schedule

AMO supplements are paid simultaneously with the regular scholarship. The first payment is made before departure and includes the AMO supplement. This payment corresponds to 70% of the estimated total scholarship amount based on the anticipated duration of your stay. It is disbursed upon signing your scholarship contract, several months before your exchange. However, if you are departing in the first semester and have a second exam session, you will need to wait for confirmation of your departure following the second exam session before signing your contract. Therefore, the scholarship payment will occur at the earliest in early September. For departures in the second semester, this does not impact the timeline, as the contract is signed around October. The remaining balance is paid after the end of the stay.

Occasionally, you might only obtain AMO status once your exchange has already begun due to recent changes in your situation. In this case, you will initially receive the regular scholarship, but we will make an adjustment to include the AMO supplement retroactively for the elapsed period as soon as you provide proof to the Student Mobility Service, provided that your stay has not already concluded. If you qualify for AMO status after the end of your stay, we cannot update the amount of your scholarship.

ULB services

Inclusion is an important theme at ULB, and several services are available to support you in your studies, especially when you decide to go abroad for an exchange program.

The Student Social Service (SSE)

Any student facing financial difficulties is strongly encouraged to contact the ULB Student Social Service (Service Social Etudiant) for support throughout their studies, including during their mobility period.

Since the 2024-25 academic year, with a few exceptions for certain non-European students, any student receiving financial support from the Student Social Service is granted AMO status.

EBS-ESH Office

Any student with a disability or specific needs requiring accommodations (such as extra time for exams, adapted facilities, or special support from professors) is strongly encouraged to contact the EBS-ESH Office (Cellule EBS-ESH) for support throughout their studies, including during their mobility period.

The Student Mobility Service (SME) works closely with the EBS-ESH Office when a student indicates their specific needs in the mobility application forms.

The Student Mobility Office (SME)

During your stay abroad, you will be supported by a case manager (gestionnaire de dossier) from the Student Mobility Service, who can guide you through all your procedures. Beyond the administrative management of your file, these individuals are also available to listen and support you before, during, and after your stay.

Are you convinced yet ? Let's start by exploring the list of destinations available for your field of study and hopefully make the first step towards an incredible life experience !
Read more about exchange programmes on our main page.




Anissa, Universidad of Sevilla 2023-24

Before going on exchange, I had doubts about whether I could manage financially. I was isolated, living on my own, and my healthcare costs were a financial burden.

My main motivation for participating in a mobility program was to experience something new abroad, immerse myself in a new culture, improve my language skills, and develop personally.

The administrative process was a challenge, and finding accommodation within my budget was very difficult, but I managed it. Initially, I had considered going to Japan, but the financial constraints related to my healthcare led me to choose a destination in Europe. Even so, I was still worried about making ends meet, but the Erasmus grant helped me a lot. Thanks to the program, I received crucial financial support. Additionally, the staff in charge of managing mobility at the universities were available to address my concerns.

Leaving despite my fears was the best decision I could have made. This experience enriched me academically, professionally, and personally.

I strongly encourage you to seize this unique opportunity. There will be challenges, but what you gain from it is immensely valuable. A mobility program brings incredible personal growth, an unforgettable life experience, and the chance to meet people from all over the world.

Hoping to have reassured you, I wish you a sublime experience.

Safe travels!

- Anissa



For any question you may have, please contact the Student Mobility Office team

Updated on August 20, 2024