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Communication écrite en langue française 2

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Marie-Eve Damar (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Part I. Students will be presented with a theoretical overview of the various components of the methodology of written French. Three exercises will allow students to apply the theory, in particular by mean the writing of synthetic critiques based on texts from the written press.Part II. A theoretical introduction surveys the methodology specific to written general interest journalism: organization and role of an article, information sources, various articles and other forms of written production (reviews, analyses, reports, interviews, etc). The practical part of the course consists in exercises in journalistic writing conducted either during the seminars (collating dispatches, drafting short reports, titles, headings, rubrics, etc.), or is based on individual reports prepared in practical situations. The course also comprises a periodic check of students’ knowledge of current affairs in the political, economic, social and cultural fields, as well as of Belgian institutions. Presence at the exercises is obligatory.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Part I. Knowledge of the various components of the methodology of written French and development of editorial skills.Part II. Initiation to the profession of journalist in the written press.Current-events test : To encourage the students in information and communication to keep up with current affairs and to consult information sources. To assess whether regular consultation of both written and spoken media results in sufficient knowledge of the world around us and of key social, political, economic and cultural issues.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and corequired courses

Courses requiring this course

Teaching methods and learning activities

Part I. Theoretical lectures; exercise sessions. Part II. Theoretical lectures; exercise sessions.Tests of current affairs : based on regular consultatation of both written and spoken media.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Part I : see syllabus and PWP presentations.

Other information


Part I : Marie-Eve.Damar@ulb.ac.be Part II : stephane.renard@levif.be phone : 0475/49.65.94Current-events tests : jjespers@ulb.ac.be Phone. 02/650.41.79 Schedule : lundi 9h – 11h, desk DB.11.242


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Part I: Written examination: application of the theoretical concepts studied and writing of a critical synthesis. Part II: No examination: average of the marks obtained in the practical exercises.Final mark : average of these two marks. Current-event tests: each month, students receive questions relating to the key current affairs events of the last month and their background. Answering the questions asked requires students to undertake regular an in-depth study of general interest media. The tests are obligatory. A mark higher than 14/20 on the current affairs tests allows students to obtain one extra mark, which is added to their final mark.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
