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Anthropologie du droit

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Barbara TRUFFIN (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Legal anthropology focuses on the relations between cultural diversity and the multiplicity of ways it is possible to organise social life. It is a field of researches formed by interdisciplinary knowledge and methods aiming at the understanding of complex and current problems. For this year, the class will draw upon a specific institution, the Belgian "justice de paix", which is currently the object of a research project conducted by the Centre of Comparative Law, Legal History and Legal Anthropology. The aim of this project is to understand how is exercised, on a day by day basis, a "neighbourhood" justice which combines a peace-making mission with the legal constraints of a judicial framework. The complementary relationships between teaching and research is fundamental in the learning process. The learning of concepts and methods developed by legal anthropology will be realised along collective, concrete and supervised framework. The students will be gradually introduced to the ethnographical method, working together on a common theme in the field.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

As a general objective, the class aims at strengthening the capacities of students in Law and Social Sciences to reflect on the role of law in society, offering them analytical and empirical tools.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching methods are interdisciplinary and interactive. Classes are organised into ex cathedra lessons and seminars along the two quarters. Participation to seminars is mandatory. In addition, the students will realise, in teams of four (lawyers - social scientists), some fieldwork : they will attend the public hearings of justices de paix in the Brussel's area. They will record their ethnographical observations in two reports (10 pages), which will be discussed in the seminars (max. 15 students by session of seminar). A personal supervision will be assured all along the year. The correction of the reports will give the students the opportunity to improve their observations and to eventually define a personal problematic of research. On the basis of the reports of all the groups and assigned readings, each student will chose a subject for his/her final essay.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Readings and recommended bibliography will be distributed at the beginning of the class.

Other information


Secrétariat facultaire : 02.650.39.36, 39.37, 39.40, 39.41, 3673 Direct : 02.650.66.82


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Two collective reports. One final essay.
