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Marketing stratégique

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Catherine JANSSEN (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

This course aims to provide students with an overview of the strategic marketing process and the knowledge and understanding of the different strategic marketing tools. 
The course covers the following topics:
  • Introduction to strategic marketing
  • Analysis of the internal and external environment
  • Consumer behavior (and the notion of experience)
  • Segmentation, targeting, and positioning
  • Introduction to Market research
  • Growth strategies
The course also includes a series of exercises/case studies and additional readings linked to the topics covered during the different sessions. 

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  • Understand the role of marketing in different types of organisations (for profit and non-profit)
  • Master the different steps of the strategic marketing process
  • Understand how to integrate sustainability considerations in the (strategic) marketing process
  • Understand the role of market research
  • Think critically about strategic marketing
  • Put theory into practice with various exercises/case studies

Teaching methods and learning activities

The course is composed of theoretical sessions, and will include some exercises/case studies. 
The course takes place on campus and is not recorded. 

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

There are no mandatory reading for this course. However, the course is based in part on the following textbooks (recommended readings):

  • Kotler P., Keller K., Manceau D. and Hemmonet-Goujot A. (2019), Marketing Management, 16th edition, Pearson France. 
  • Sargeant A. (2009), Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press. 
  • Dekhili S., Merle A., and Ochs A. (2021), Marketing durable, Pearson France. 
The course website on UV will also be regularly updated with additional readings for the course. 

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Other information


Catherine Janssen




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Other

written examination


Written exam + exercises/case studies. The case study work will be debriefed in class (general feedback). 

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

1st session: 10% exercices/case studies, 90% written exam
2nd session: 100% written exam

The exam will cover all theory sessions as well as the assigned additional readings. It will be composed of open questions (theory and based on case studies). The objectives of the exam are to assess students' theoretical knowledge as well as their ability to apply theory to concrete company cases. 

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
