academic year

Course teacher(s)

Katia CASTETBON (Coordinator) and Annie ROBERT

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

  • MEMO-L-650[A]: Seminars in epidemiological methods (K. Castetbon): methods used in surveillance; attributable fraction of the risk; use an interpretation of anthropometry; implementation of epidemiological research on the field; systematic review and evidence-based practices; critical appraisal of scientific articles… Topics will be adapted according to the interest of the students.
  • MEMO-L-650[B]: Health survey protocol (I. Godin, K. Castetbon): typical sections of a protocol; development of a questionnaire; information and consent letters; sampling plan; use of biomarkers...
  • MEMO-L-650[C]: Integration of statistical and epidemiological methods (K. Castetbon, A. Robert): based on “real” databases, to carry out the complete process of conception, analysis, interpretation and presentation of results according to an epidemiological objective.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

To elaborate, apply and criticize epidemiological and statistical methods in Public Health.

Teaching methods and learning activities

  • Seminars (including external lecturers)
  • Practical exercises in biostatistics and epidemiology
  • Lectures

Due to the Covid-19 constraints, first courses will be taught online. The course modules will be recorded and teachers will be online during the time slots foreseen in the timetable. As soon as possible, and when the sanitary conditions allow, the courses will be held in-person.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

  • See recommendations given during the lessons.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Other information




Erasme, Outside campus ULB


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Practice work
  • Personal work
  • Group work
  • Written report

Practice work

Personal work

Group work

Written report

MEMO-L-650[A]: essay on a given article.

MEMO-L-650[B]: in-group development of a protocol.

MEMO-L-650[C]: report & presentation of the final integrated exercise.

Depending on the sanitary conditions, modalities may be adapted.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

MEMO-L-650[A]: 30%

MEMO-L-650[B]: 30%

MEMO-L-650[C]: 40%

All activities A, B and C should be greater than or equal 10/20 overall to pass the Learning Unit at the 1st session.

Second session:

When the Learning Unit is not validated at the 1st session, the 2d session will include one examination regarding the failed activity part(s).

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
