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Stage professionnel

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Denis FOURNIER (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Professional internship

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Full-time experience in the Biology career field by working with a participating employing firm or organization (but not an academic research center).
The student is supervised by a faculty member acting as a liaison between the Department and the employing organization to ensure compliance with specific learning and experience requirements.
The internship can take place in Belgium or abroad.
  • demonstrate sufficient technical and scientific expertise, as required by the task(s)
  • have proven succesfull integration in a workteam and with the professional culture of the company
  • analyze his own learning experience (on technical as well as on soft skills) and demonstrate sufficient criticism about his own internship stay

Teaching methods and learning activities

Learning on the job under supervision of the internship supervisor

Other information


Denis Fournier   Denis.Fournier@ulb.be
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology (CP 160/12)
Department of Organismic biology | Faculty of Sciences


Outside campus ULB


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Internship report
  • Oral presentation

Internship report

Oral presentation

  • Intermediate report
  • Final report
  • Final interview

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

  • evaluation by the internship supervisor (50%) (deliverables and professional skills (objectives set by the host structure))
  • portfolio (learning notes and reflections)
  • final report (25%) (5-8 pages) (summary of professional experience + identification of progress + self-assessment)
  • interview (25%) in front of a jury (10+10 min summary of professional experience + identification of progress + self-assessment

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
