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Stage d'immersion rurale et agroécologie
Course teacher(s)
Marjolein VISSER (Coordinator) and Cécile ThonarECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Training of two weeks, generally split between the first weeks of October and May. The May week builds on skills acquired during the October week. Activities include farm work (milking, animal handling, driving machinery, cheesemaking), getting familiar with farm flora and fauna in the broadest sense, crop and food quality criteria and analysis, farm economy, the local history of farming (museum visit), visits of model farms, the slaughterhouse, off-farm processing plants. Since students spend the night on the farm, there is plenty of time for questions and debate.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Nowadays would-be agricultural engineers can get their degree without ever having entered a farm or talked to a farmer. This farm immersion training provides a short duration - high intensity contact with the local farming world of Ath (Hainaut), during which students are encouraged to experience farm work and get a feel for the art of working the land and raising animals.
Teaching methods and learning activities
On-farm and hands on (bring your boots)
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Training guide provided
Other information
Marjolein Visser 2133, mavisser@ulb.ac.be François Serneels, f.serneels@carah.be
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Collective report to be presented at the farm team at the end of the May week