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Biotechnologies animales et végétales

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Nathalie VERBRUGGEN (Coordinator) and Benoît VANHOLLEBEKE

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

History of plant genetic engineering, generation techniques of genetically modified organisms, cloning and stem cells, transgenesis and applications in industry, medicine and the environment. Some applicable aspects of European legislation on the presented themes.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Provide students with the essential tools to understand different facets of genetic engineering and allow them to assess biotechnology issues.

At the end of this teaching unit, students will be able :

1- to use molecular tools to produce a biomolecule (DNA, RNA or protein) of interest from a biological system.

2- to understand the examples of genetic engineering and to imagine other applications

3- to compare different methods used to generate genetically modified organisms.

4- to explain the different steps of regulation of a gene as well as the necessary techniques to study them.

5. to assess the challenges of biotechnology in society.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Courses requiring this course

Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

PowerPoint presentations (3 ECTS) + practicals in Plant biotechnology (2 ECTS - MA1 BIOR)

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

S. Gilbert. 2006. Developmental Biology. Sunderland, MA:Sinauer Associates (ISBN 0_87893-250). Slater, A., Scott N.W. et Fowler M. 2003. Plant Biotechnology. The Genetic Manipulation of Plants. Ed. Oxford University (ISBN 0-19-925468-0). Casse, F. et J.-C. Breitler, 2001. OGM. Description. Méthodes d'obtention. Domaines d'applications. France Agricole. (ISBN 2-85557-061-1). Recent research articles.

Other information


VERBRUGGEN Nathalie, Laboratoire de Physiologie et de Génétique Moléculaire des Plantes, ULB-Campus Plaine - CP 242, Bd. du Triomphe - 1050 Bruxelles, Tél. : 02/6502128 - Fax : 02/6505421, email : nverbru@ulb.ac.be

SOUOPGUI Jacob, Génétique du Développement, Campus de Charleroi - CP300, 12 rue des Professeurs Jeener et Brachet, 6041 Charleroi (Gosselies), Tél. : 02/6509735 - Fax : 02/6509733, email : Jacob.Souopgui@ulb.ac.be

EL JAZIRI Mondher, Laboratoire de Biotechnologie végétale, Campus de Charleroi - CP305, 12 rue des Professeurs Jeener et Brachet, 6041 Charleroi (Gosselies), Tél. : 02/6509572, 02/6509181 - Fax : 02/6509578, email : jaziri@ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination

written examination

Written evaluation

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

Theory = ³√ (score part 1 x score part 2 x score part 3) or (3/4 x theory) + (1/4 x practicals)

If personal work, theorical note = 4√(score part 1 x score part 2 x score part 3 x score personal work))

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
