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Dynamiques non linéaires et instabilités de non-équilibre
Course teacher(s)
Laurence RONGY (Coordinator) and Anne DE WITECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Introduction to nonlinear chemical systems characterized by the presence of feedback loops (such as autocatalytic steps or inhibitory processes) in the kinetic scheme. Description and analysis of out of equilibrium dynamics in such nonlinear systems: bistability, excitability, temporal oscillations, chemical waves, stationary patterns, chaos, etc...
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
To be able to write down a given reaction-diffusion model for a given kinetic scheme, analyze the related stationary states and their stablity, understand the necessary conditions to obtain temporal oscillations or spatial-temporal dynamics in reaction-diffusion systems.
Teaching methods and learning activities
Teaching in a class room or discussions on the basis of notes depending on the number of students
Other information
A. De Wit, local 2O5-112, batiment NO; Campus PLaine, ULB, tél 02 650 5774; Email: adewit@ulb.ac.be
Method(s) of evaluation
- Oral examination
Oral examination
Oral examination