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Séminaire de recherches en langues et littératures anciennes II
Course teacher(s)
Emmanuel DUPRAZ (Coordinator), Alain DELATTRE and Sylvie VANSEVERENECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
The course includes the analysis of several questions, focussing on critical examination of literary and documentary sources.
Examples of topics: Homer and the Egean world (homeric dialect, Homer and Anatolia, etc.); the contribution of papyrology to the Altertumswissenschaft (classical texts rediscovered, evolution of epistolary forms, etc.); the Gaulish language in the Roman empire (study of a language of fragmentary attestation, defixiones, ritual calendars).
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
The course aims at teaching problematics connected with research and a philological research methodology. The analyzed languages provide an initiation to the linguistic diversity of the Mediterranean basin.
To take into account the diachronic evolutions in the analysis of languages, literatures, and cultures. To fully understand the social functions of languages and to compare the social discourses and realities. To plan and follow the different phases of a scientific work. To be able to compose a written report.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Teaching methods and learning activities
Lectures and exercises.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Bibliography is provided at the beginning of the course.
Contribution to the teaching profile
Initiation to scientific research, in particular to plan and respect the stages of a scientific work, to identify the sources and the bibliography and conduct the research in library, synthesize the results of a research respecting the rules of ethics and the intellectual property.
Other information
Alain DELATTRE - Alain.Delattre@ulb.ac.be - Tél. 02/650.24.53
Emmanuel DUPRAZ - Emmanuel.Dupraz@ulb.ac.be - Tél. 02/650.66.18
Sylvie VANSEVEREN - Sylvie.Vanseveren@ulb.ac.be - Tél. 02/650.24.52
Method(s) of evaluation
- Oral examination
- Other
Oral examination
Two written exercises (the first one on a philological problem, the second one on one of the topics of the course) and an oral exam for each of the three parts of the course.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The two written exercises and the average of the three oral exams represent each one third of the total mark.
The failure for any part of this course (any of the written exercises and any of the oral exams) implies a failing final grade and the obligation to present the corresponding exam again.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french