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Analog electronics

academic year

Course teacher(s)

François QUITIN (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

  • Basis of semiconductors physics

  • Diode equations

  • Bipolar Junction Transistor

  • Field-effect transistors (MOSFET and JFET)

  • single stage amplifiers with BJT and MOSFET

  • differential amplifiers

  • complements on the operational amplifier

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Specific Competences

To go deeper into knowledge on:

  • semiconductor physics

  • functioning of components (diodes, transistors)

  • basic assemblies based upon those components, mainly discrete amplifiers and opamps

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • understand the physical bases of the various current semiconductors

  • calculate the properties of the basic transistor assemblies on the basis of their equation, their characteristic curves and of their small signal equivalent circuits

  • use the simulator SPICE to handle the concepts related to the frequency domain (bandwidth, stability)

  • evaluate the importance of the imperfections of the operational amplifiers in order to select an adequate component

Generic competences

  • Resolution of technical problem by using the acquired knowledge and with a scientific and rigorous methodology

  • Team work

  • Technical and interpersonal communication

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures (24h=6x4h) during 6 weeks

Laboratories (24h=6x4h) by groups of 2-3 students based upon SPICE simulations of

  • circuits with opamps (filters, oscillators, rectifiers, PID controllers)

  • amplifier stages with MOS transistors

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

  • FLOYD TL. "Electronic devices" Prentice Hall

  • SEDRA/SMITH "Microelectronic Circuits" Oxford University Press

  • MANCINI R. "Op-amps for every one" www.ti.com/lit/an/slod006b/slod006b.pdf

  • CASING B. "Handbook of Operational Amplifier" www.ti.com/lit/an/sboa09a/sboa09a.pdf

Contribution to the teaching profile

This teaching unit contributes to the following competences:

  • Abstraire, modéliser et simuler des systèmes physiques complexes rencontrés dans les applications biomédicales (bioélectricité, biomécanique, écoulements, etc.)

  • Traiter et analyser des signaux de toute nature, 1D, image, vidéo, en particulier ceux issus des dispositifs médicaux

Other information


Lecturer: Pierre MATHYS

Assistants: Jean ROSENFELD


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


  • The examinations cover all the concepts seen at the course and the laboratories, as well as all prerequisites.

  • The examinations are "open book", the students can permanently consult the lecture notes, their personal notes and lab book. Any other document is prohibited.

  • there is no separation between theory and practice and, but several exercises and problems

1°) written examination

  • the written examination is mandatory. The students will receive the exemination sheets on which they will answer directly.

  • students are always allowed to ask for complementary informations during the examination. A student who is blocked can ask for help, the related sub-question will receive a mark equal to 0

  • the examination lasts 3h.

2°) oral examination

  • the oral examination is optional, whatever the note of the written one

  • all the students passing on the same half-day enter at the same time and receive the same questions, drawn among a set.

  • after one hour of preparation, the students are questioned by turn-with-turn, whatever the progress of their answers, they can receive indications to continue.

  • there are as many turns as necessary so that everyone finishes, with a limit of 4h.

  • Although the oral examination is "open book", the students must be able to define precisely the fundamental concepts of the course without consulting their notes.

Assesment criteria

  • comprehension of the concepts of the course

  • relevance of the proposed technical solutions

  • the rigour of the reasoning

  • clearness and precision of the oral and written expression, use of the appropriate vocabulary

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

The totality of the mark is acquired at the examination(s)

  • If the student passes only the written examination, the final mark is that one

  • If the student passes the the written examination and the optional oral examination, the final mark is the average of the two examinations, clamped at maximum of -2/+4 points compared to the note of the written examination

  • the marks on 20 are rounded at the half point

Remarks for the second session

  • a mark >=10 for the oral examination of the first session (if any) will automatically be taken into account in the final mark if its favourable.
