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Excursions de géographie I

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Jean-Michel DECROLY (Coordinator), François FRIPIAT and Frank PATTYN

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Alternating, every other year, field trips in human or regional geography and physical geography. The human and regional geography field trip concerns a space defined at the beginning of the year, and results in a supervised preparation of the various “themes” developed during the field trip by the students. The physical geography field trip takes place in mountainous regions where the structures are generally more contrasted and the geomorphological process more dynamic. Observations are made of traces of deglaciation of the last ten thousand years and minor glacial re-advances. Regional paleoclimatic history is reconstructed from landscape evidences and connections are made with active glacial and periglacial processes in a temperate climatic zone.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Provides the fundmental field observations necessary for a thorough understanding of the theoretical concepts introduced in human and regional geography on the hand, and in structural geomorphology and Climatology on the other hand, during the first two years of Batchelor. Also introduces the student to preparation of a fieldtrip and writing of a report.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Bibliography, Cartography, Observations in the field.


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Written Report on the Preparation and/or Observations of the field trip
