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Projet de recherche et communication scientifique

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Sandra ARNDT (Coordinator) and Karen FONTIJN

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

  • Introduction to the course: principles of science communication, report writing, bibliographical search, etc.
  • Individual project: written report (literature study) on a geoscientific topic of choice
  • Group project: preparation of educational material destined to the wider public (e.g. poster, video, demonstration) on a predefined theme; presentation of this material during the “Printemps des Sciences”. The exact modalities will be defined and communicated by the team of InforSciences.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The objective of this course is to familiarise oneself with different styles of scientific communication (written, oral, poster, outreach) and to learn to use a bibliographical reference manager software which can be used in the future, for example for the Master dissertation. 

Teaching methods and learning activities

In-person sessions:

  • Introduction to the course
  • Guided exercises on bibliography, including the demonstration of a reference manager software
  • Intermediate feedback session on a draft version of the literature study
  • Pair-pair feedback session on the final version of the literature study

Personal work:

  • Bibliographical search and writing of literature study (individual report)
  • Group work for the “Printemps des Sciences”. The number of group members varies in function of the number of students registered for the course, as well as the work requested by InforSciences.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

Scientific communication is an important key skill for modern-day scientists and professionals. It includes communication in different formats (e.g. written, oral) and also towards diverse audiences (e.g. fellow scientists, the general public).

This course prepares the student to the writing of a professional report in the form of a scientific literature study, including the structured development of scientific arguments and a reference list. The course prepares the student to other report writing later in their educational programme (including the Master dissertation) and their further career.

In the second part of the course, the student learns to work in a team, and gets training in different forms of scientific communication (oral, poster, etc.) and outreach towards the wider public.

Other information


Karen Fontijn

Sandra Arndt




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Project
  • Other



Bibliographical search: the exercises are not marked, but participation to the sessions is compulsory.

Individual written report: the report is evaluated by a teacher affiliated to the Geology section and whose expertise most closely matches that of the topic chosen. The report is also evaluated by another student registered to the course (peer evaluation). An evaluation grid will be distributed at the start of the course. The deadline to submit the report will be towards the end of the first semester; the exact date will be decided in agreement with the students, in function of their timetables. There is only one evaluation per academic year for this written work.

Group work: evaluated based on the presented content and style, and participation to the “Printemps des Sciences”. Each group member will obtain the same mark for the submitted work. There is only one evaluation per academic year for this work.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

Individual report: 50% (of which 40% are given by a teacher in Geology; 10% by a fellow student).

Group work for Printemps des Sciences: 50%

Each part (participation to bibliography exercises, submission of individual report, group work and its presentation) is compulsory in order to obtain a final mark for the course. 

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
