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Nederlandse taalkunde III

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Jürgen JASPERS (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

This course consists of two parts. The theoretical part introduces students to the conversational analysis of the political (news) interview (transcription, analysis of questions and answers), while the proficiency part helps students improve their grammatical knowledge and vocabulary of Dutch on the basis of authentic texts.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The theoretical part of the course sets out to introduce students to the conversational analysis of political (news) interviews, whereas the proficiency part of the course focuses on students' acquisition of academic Dutch and on their expansion of Dutch vocabulary, by offering them oral and written exercises which help them to write a scientific paper in Dutch.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Interactive seminars.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Obligatory reading:

  • Giezenaar G., L. Korebrits & E. Schouten 2002. Wijze woorden: woordenlijst academisch Nederlands met idioomoefeningen. Amsterdam-Antwerpen: Intertaal.
  • S. Clayman & J. Heritage 2002.The news interview. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (selected chapters, made available on l'UV)

Recommended reading:

  • De Wachter L. & K. Fivez 2008. Academisch schrijven: een praktische gids. Leuven: Acco.
  • Sonck G. 2009. Néerlandais. Grammaire de l'étudiant. Bruxelles: De Boeck

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

The course helps students to obtain an improved scientific capacity to analyse spoken discourse, as well as an improved knowledge of Dutch grammar and vocabulary, allowing them to move on to a possible academic Master degree in Dutch.

Other information






Method(s) of evaluation

  • Personal work
  • written examination
  • Oral examination

Personal work

written examination

Oral examination

The theoretical part will be evaluated by means of a scientifc paper (in Dutch). The proficiency part will be evaluated by means of an oral and written exam, as well as by continuous evaluation during the year. The exams of the second session (August) will be organised in the same way.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

The final mark will be based on the results obtained for the theoretical part and the proficiency part. The theoretical part will count for 65% of the final mark, while the proficiency part will count for 35%. If students obtain a mark of less than 10/20 in the first (June) session, they will need to take both parts again in the second (August) session. Students having obtained a mark of less than 10/20 for one of the course parts will receive a fail mark for the whole course ('échec absorbant').

Language(s) of evaluation

  • Dutch
