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academic year

Course teacher(s)

Roland GILLET (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction

english, french

Course content

  • Concept of price and value in Modern Finance;

  • criteria of the investor under risk;

  • What remuneration is the investor entitled to claim?;

  • Forecast cash flows;

  • Criteria for selecting assets and projects;

  • Other factors affecting the investment decision;

  • Efficiency and microstructure of the financial markets;

  • Bubbles and financial crises!

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand and master the fundamental concepts of the investment decision;

  • Use these concepts in practice in order to offer robust solutions to the actors involved.

Teaching methods and learning activities

As part of the course, we diversify the teaching methods:

  • Flipped classeroom: preparation of theoretical material in advance (at home and in the classroom);

  • Individual and / or group presentations;

  • Case studies and rigourous analyzes on the investment decision theme;

  • Q & A sessions.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Here are some recommended readings:

  • A. Brealey, S.C. Myers and F. Allen - Principles of Corporate Finance – 12th Edition – 2017, McGraw-Hill Ed.

  • S. Bodie, R.C. Merton and D.L. Cleeton – Financial Economics, 2008 – 2th Edition – Prentice Hall

  • W.F. Sharpe, G.J. Alexander and J.V. Bailey – Fundamentals of Investments, 2001 - 3rd Edition, Peason Ed.

Contribution to the teaching profile

The course contributes to the following objectives of the Master program in Economics (Focus Business Economics):

  • Thorough and critical understanding of fundamental economic concepts and models as they apply to decisions made by individuals, firms and policy-makers;

  • Thorough and critical understanding of methods and tools for data analysis;

  • Thorough and critical understanding of the working, benefits and limits of markets, as well as regulatory approaches and their limitations;

  • Thorough knowledge of corporate financial techniques, reporting standards and practices;

  • Knowledge of the key mechanisms of economic governance, at the European and national levels;

  • Identify and apply the relevant analytical tools and scientific concepts to analyze an economic problem in depth;

  • Take the perspectives and incentives of different stakeholders into account to ensure accurate problem analysis and effective implementation of projects or decisions;

  • Keep up to date about political and economic developments to improve business practice;

  • Display critical thinking;

  • Understand, analyse and evaluate with rigor;

  • Communicate with impact.

Other information


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


The assessment of students is based on:

  • Ongoing evaluation (presentation and group and individual work);

  • and or a final exam including knowledge questions and open-ended questions.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
  • french
