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Introduction à l'histoire moderne et contemporaine

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Irene DI JORIO (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Through a chronological and thematic approach, the course offers an overall analysis of the basic concepts and interpretations of modern and contemporary history since the late fifteenth century. The course covers the major political, social and cultural trends crossing modern and contemporary age. It takes into account European-wide, national and transnational perspectives, following as a "fil rouge" the plural and transversal question of communication(s).

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

To give students essential benchmarks on standard concepts and interpretations of modern and contemporary history.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures ex cathedra supported by PPT, also available on the Virtual University website.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

The bibliography will be made available on the Virtual University website.

Other information




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination

written examination

Written Exam
