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Histoire croisée de l'Amérique du Nord et de l'Europe

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Serge JAUMAIN (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The course will begin with a general overview of the history of Canada and United States since the 18th century. Through a comparative approach, it will focus on the way the two States constructed their national identities. During the term the students will have the opportunity to meet some of the key European and North American historians working in this field. At the end to the term each student will write a research paper on a topic of his/her choice.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the most recent research relating to the construction of national identity in North America.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Presentation by the teacher and by european and north american colleagues

Other information


E-mail : sjaumain@ulb.ac.be Bureau : NA.5.111 Tél. 02/650.38.03


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Writing paper and oral examination
