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Langages de programmation 2

academic year

Course teacher(s)

John IACONO (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Programming languages evolution and categories.

Object oriented topics: encapsulation, abstraction, genericity (templates), composition, single and multiple inheritance, overloading, overriding, polymorphism, static or dynamic linkage, exceptions, metaprogramming, threads.

In depth study of C++

Comparison with other languages.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Capacity of self-study of programming languages. Use and understanding of general concepts of programming languages. Student would be able to use object oriented programming style in C++ and their standard library. 

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and Corequired knowledge and skills

Basic skills in C++ programming (not object oriented)

Required and corequired courses

Cours co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

Course will be given in the mode of "flipped classroom." Lectures will be partially delivered via video, and partially in sessions where students will be coding.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Robert W.Sebesta, « Concepts of Programming Languages », 10th ed., Pearson International Inc., 2012.

Margaret A. Ellis et Bjarne Stroustrup, "The Annotated C++ Reference Manual", Addison-Wesley, Reading(MA), 1990, 446 pages.

Other on-line reference through Virtual University Web site, and text book (2 vol.)

Course notes

  • Syllabus
  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

Knowledge of computer programming concept and programming languages.

Applying these concepts in developping programming projects.

Analysis of underlying mecanisms and of interctions between them. Inductive empirical approach (trial and error) and deductive approach.

Direct access to information sources (standards and publications).

Presentation an explanation of projets and personal work.

Other information


John Iacono




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Project

written examination


Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
  • (if applicable english )
