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Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology with focus Research

Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology with focus Research

The 2025-2026 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

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  • Programme title
    Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology with focus Research
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Sciences
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Agronomy and bioengineering



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Agronomy and bioengineering

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

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The Master programme provides fundamental courses in biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology (90 credits) in the following disciplines:

  • Molecular biology of the cell (cell growth and signaling, internal organisation and physiology, molecular biology of the gene)
  • Molecular biology of multicellular organisms (immunology, developmental biology, neurobiology)
  • Molecular microbiology (bacteriology, virology, parasitology)

In addition, students must choose one of two focuses (30 credits):

  • The research focus provides additional courses in bioinformatics and structural biology, as well as additional practical training in the department's research laboratories or optional course from the entire University catalog. In addition to the master thesis, this cursus also offers the possibility to perform a 10 week-traineeship in a distinct laboratory.
  • The teaching focus is intended for future teachers, with active and passive courses as well as work placements.

Both focuses allow students to pursue a PhD programme.

  • RRegular classes (35-40%, depending on electives)
  • Practical training activities in research laboratories (15-20%, depending on electives)
  • Computer-aided training in bioinformatics and structural biology (2% in the research focus)
  • Personal assignments (15%, including writing laboratory reports and journal club presentations)
  • Master's dissertation: students are required to conduct original research projects in faculty laboratories, and to attend and host research seminars

Starting in the first year of the Master programme, students have access to a wide range of experimental approaches in the department's various research laboratories (5-10 credits).

In addition, they are encouraged to analyse original scientific articles and are trained for scientific writing and communication tools.

In the second year, students are expected to attend many seminars and take part in journal clubs. Each students must also give a seminar on their Master's dissertation.

During the second year, students have an opportunity to take part in an exchange programme, by completing a research work placement (in a foreign country or in Belgium, in a university or a private company).

While they complete their dissertation, students may attend professional training sessions related to their research topic, offered by the ‘Biopark training unit’.

The research programme on molecular biology was developed at ULB in the 1960s, and has since earned an international reputation.

Classes are given by several researchers from the Biopark, located in Gosselies, near Charleroi. The Biopark is a centre of excellence in molecular biology, hosting 700 researchers with expertise on a wide array of topics. The Biopark includes academic departments, spin offs, and pharmaceutical companies, on a campus that offers attractive possibilities for research-intensive programmes.

The department of molecular biology has concluded several partnerships with research institutes (IMI) and centres (CMMI).

1st year: Erasmus exchange programme (for 1 or 2 terms)

2nd year: opportunity to complete the work placement and/or dissertation in a foreign country.

Active participation of teachers from the Centre of Microscopy and Molecular Imaging (CMMI)

Access conditions


What's next ?


Scientific research (in companies, universities, hospitals, etc.)

Training (teaching biology or chemistry in school) or continuing education

Management and/or communication in the fields of health, biotechnologies, food processing, clinical research, quality control, etc.

Graduates in BBMC can pursue the following careers:

  • Research in private companies (pharmacology, biotechnologies, food processing, etc.)
  • Academic research (universities, high schools)
  • Teaching in secondary schools or higher education institutions
  • Continuing education
  • Communication and/or scientific publishing
  • Forensic science analysis
  • Organising science outreach or awareness activities
  • Scientific counselling for products within a company
  • Quality control (hospitals, private companies, public QC services, etc.)
  • Monitoring analyses in the fields of biodiversity, bioremediation, biosafety, etc. ic services of control of quality, …)
  • Person in charge of monitoring analyses in the fields of biodiversity, bioremediation, biosafety, …