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Master in Motor skills : Physical Education with focus mental and athletic training

Master in Motor skills : Physical Education with focus mental and athletic training

The 2025-2026 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

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  • Programme title
    Master in Motor skills : Physical Education with focus mental and athletic training
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Human Movement Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Health/Motor skills
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Health - Motor skills



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Health - Motor skills

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

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Graduates of this 120-credit master will be able to teach motor and psychomotor skills in the broad field of physical and athletic activities, and to adjust a training regimen depending on the participants' ages. Their responsibilities will also cover educating their students on healthy living.

To this end, the programme provides essential skills in a variety of fields: teaching, technical, tactical, but also nutritional and psychological (stress management, mental preparation, etc.), while also maintaining a tight relationship between physiological and biomechanical concepts and their practical applications.

A large part of the programme is dedicated to learning how to teach groups.

Lecture classes, practical work, seminars, work placements/internships.

  • Focus on teaching (+AESS)

The programme includes a one-month work placement/internship in a secondary school.

  • Focus on physical conditioning and fitness

The programme provides essential tools to improve amateur athletes' physical condition and performance.

  • Focus on training and coaching

The programme teaches students to plan an entire competitive season for a high-level athlete.

Partnership with the universities of Lyon and Lausanne.

  • EU focus on physical and mental conditioning, and athletic rehabilitation

The Master programme is organised jointly by ULB and the Claude-Bernard university (Lyon II).

  • Focus on teaching

The programme places emphasis on general principles of teaching in the context of physical activity, including psychomotricity.

With an immersive one-month work placement/internship in a secondary school, students will build their own lesson plans and give out assignments that will help their pupils progress.

  • Focus on physical conditioning and fitness

The programme provides essential tools to improve the physical condition and performance of amateur athletes of all ages.

  • Focus on training and coaching high-level athletes

The programme teaches students to organise training sessions, plan for a competitive season, and manage the career of a high-level athlete.

ULB collaborates with the universities of Lyon, Lausanne, and Turin in the field of training and physical conditioning. Students who pick these focuses may complete their work placement/internship in one of these universities.

  • EU focus on physical and mental conditioning, and athletic rehabilitation

The programme is organised jointly by ULB and the Claude-Bernard university (Lyon II). Students in both universities may complete a semester's worth of classes (30 credits) in the partner university. The curriculum covers managing athletes' day-to-day activities, planning their training regimen, keeping track of their mental condition, and preventing health issues.

The Faculty has:

  • teachers who are well-known in the world of athletics;

  • tight relationships with the fitness and corporate fitness industries;

  • contacts in sports federations and among high-level athletic coaches;

  • classrooms, laboratories, a gymnasium, and athletic and medical equipment, all brand new;

  • opportunities to conduct tests on high-level athletes, using its infrastructures (research units in the laboratory of motor sciences, involved in athletic performance, motor rehabilitation, and the study of physiological and cognitive abilities in extreme environments such as outer space).

Opportunities for exchange programmes in France, Portugal, New Caledonia, Brazil, etc.

Schools, health clubs, sports clubs, sports federations, etc.

Partnership with the Claude-Bernard university in Lyon.

Access conditions


Students who have a BA may choose from the following specialities:

  • Teaching

  • Training and coaching

  • Physical conditioning and fitness

  • Physical and mental conditioning, and athletic rehabilitation (joint degree with the university of Lyon)

Courses are given as a combination of lecture classes, lab work in smaller groups, individual assignments, and work placements/internships.

Depending on the focus chosen, work placements/internships may be completed in schools, health clubs, or sports clubs, in Belgium or abroad.

Students in physical education take part in organising large-scale athletic events in order to build experience, such as sports days for primary and secondary schools, open jogging events (‘CoRun'Air’), and so on.

What's next ?


  • Teaching in secondary schools, institutes of higher education, and universities.

  • Fitness clubs: gym supervisor, personal trainer, fitness instructor, group trainer, etc.

  • Athletic clubs and federations: athletic trainer, coach, technical adviser to a federation, etc.

  • Scientific research in the field of motor sciences.