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Master in Environmental Science and Management with focus Management of the environment

Master in Environmental Science and Management with focus Management of the environment

The 2025-2026 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

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  • Programme title
    Master in Environmental Science and Management with focus Management of the environment
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Sciences
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
    english / french
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Sciences



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)

english / french

Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Sciences

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

Succeed in your studies

The cours seminar "Interdisciplinary Project 1" includes a specific component to the preparation of the Master dissertation.

Under certain conditions, it is possible to ask, at the beginning of the academic year, a "allègement" (spreading courses over different years). This opportunity is to be taken very seriously by students who have a professional activity, as it may be difficult to combine a full-time job with the planned teaching activities (including seminars, group work and Master thesis), not to mention the social life of each.

Succeed in your studies


The information and guidance counsellors at the InfOR-études service will help you choose your studies throughout the year.


Take part in preparatory courses or get help to succeed, before or during your studies.

Get help

Apply for financial aid, look for accommodation or a student job, get support for your specific needs.


Addressing the environmental challenges facing our societies is one of the largest projects of the 21st century. The Master aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a critical, interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach to these problems. Students develop, throughout the program, their ability to inform, lead and accompany socio-environmental transformations. The Master is built around two distinct purposes, with complementary objectives: Environmental Management and Environmental Sciences.

The aim of the Major in Environmental Management (finalité “gestion de l’environnement”) is to train actors who will be able to think, promote, implement and evaluate actions for the sustainability of our societies, within companies, public organizations, research and civil society.

This major is open to holders of a bachelor's degree (university and non-university) of diverse disciplines, and under possible conditions (cfr. Access conditions). This training will enable students to act as generalist environmental experts by using analytical tools and concepts that develop a multi-dimensional and multi-stakeholder reading of environmental problems. Graduates will be able to interact with all types of specialists to co-manage the necessary expertise and develop solutions to environmental problems. The Master considers the great diversity of contexts and environmental issues and takes a look at all scales of issues from the most local to the global.

The teaching and learning is based on a set of theoretical courses as well as research and project seminars, group work and, if the student wishes, an internship. A number of courses include field trips or excursions, or involve professionals: each year a number of people with environmental responsibilities come to share their knowledge and respond to students. Can also be part of the curriculum courses of lectures.

The Master also involves the development and presentation of a final masters dissertation. It is to be considered as an important vector of specialization of the student. In the best case, it will constitute the business card of the student in the professional world. The dissertation can be oriented towards research and analysis, just as it can have a more operational and practical purpose.

Students have the opportunity to complete their teaching program through an exchange in Europe (Erasmus +) or internationally. The environment programme has Erasmus + exchange agreements with a dozen of European universities, a list which is regularly extended. Exchanges with non-European universities are also possible. Among the many possible destinations, the students of the Master in Environmental Science and Management have taken courses in Switzerland, Guyana, Canada, Ecuador ...

In addition, it is also possible to do an internship abroad. A European scholarship can be awarded for internships outside Belgium in the Erasmus + area.

The Major in Environmental Management deals with relations between human societies and the environment by mobilizing different disciplinary knowledge (ecology, economics, politics, law, etc.), by studying different sectors and themes that influence the environment ( agriculture, energy, industries, tourism, transport, ...) and through the use of different tools for analysis and management (life cycle analysis, instruments and decision processes, management of public space, geomatics , ...). One of the strong points of this aim is to rely as much on the natural sciences as on different social sciences.

The major in Environmental Management allows candidates to approach environmental issues systematically according to different disciplinary approaches, by preparing students for the professional context through group projects and contacts with field workers during field trips and conferences.

Evenings and weekends

Some of the courses are given in the evening and saturday mornings.

Students who already have a Master's degree can valorise a part of their previous career and follow an "adapted program" that can be achieved in one academic year. This programme is organised during evenings and Saturday mornings. More information.

Access conditions


This Master programme uses an interdisciplinary approach, relying on both natural and human sciences (ecology, geology, economy, law, etc.). Furthermore, it is structured around environmental domains (water, soil, air, etc.), economic sectors (agriculture, industry, energy, etc.), and environmental issues (climate change, waste, etc.).

What's next ?


The employment prospects reflect the diversity of students' origins and motivations as well as the heterogeneity of current environmental issues.

Graduates occupy positions of responsibility in public organizations, consulting and study offices, non-governmental organizations, companies ... They work at different levels, from communal to international, knowing they have been able to work, during the Master, with a large network of resource people active in different sectors. Some graduates may also be interested in scientific research.

Some examples :

• Project managers in the different areas of environmental management (energy, climate, biodiversity, circular economy, water management, etc.) at the level of private sectors, from local to international public administrations, associations or NGOs.
• Academic or private researchers.
• Associative workers (animation, training, neighbourhood project, environmental education) and / or the social and solidarity economy.
• Consultants in specialized study/consultancy offices (impact studies, carbon off-setting, environmental management systems, etc.).
• Environmental Advisor - eco-advisor in the public service or in the private sector