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Master of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineering

Master of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineering

The 2025-2026 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

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  • Programme title
    Master of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Brussels School of Engineering
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Engineering sciences
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
    Other campus/Plaine
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type



Other campus/Plaine

Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

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The ULB curriculum in chemical and materials engineering guarantees a high-level and multidisciplinary training. The courses are designed to ensure that the students become proficient in the fields of fluids mechanic, transport phenomena, molecular engineering or in the synthesis and characterization of material and chemical compounds. Students will acquire essential competences to develop innovative technologies in a wide range of industrial sectors.

The skills of a civil engineer in chemistry and materials science are of primary importance to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow’s world : new materials, sustainable development, renewable energy, health…

The training consists of ex-cathedra lectures (50%), exercises and laboratory practicals (50%). Personal assignments are also included in some courses.

A research project (5 ECTS), on a theme developed by the Department, enables students to use the acquired skills and to make the link between the different subjects seen in class. If they wish, students have the opportunity to apply for the Team Leader project (focused on developing management skills) or for a Cooperation Development project.

An approach to the industrial world is given through plant visits, long term internships, projects or master's thesis in collaboration with the industry.

The 8 or 12-week internship (6 or 10 ECTS) in industry or in a research center, in Belgium or abroad, enables the students to become familiar with the professional world. The internship is elective and begins during the summer vacation between the two academic years of the Master's degree.

The ULB, located in the heart of Europe, offers an international environment: the master taught in English attracts students from all over the world and provides the keys for a professional mobility.

A multi-skill training preparing students to work either in a research environment or in industry: during the project, master's thesis or internship, students are exposed to state-of-the-art research and are integrated into laboratories and industrial projects.

A first professional experience: the long-term internship is a real opportunity to put into practice the training and to start a professional network.

In 2013, our Master of Science in Chemical and Materials engineering obtained the label EUR-ACE (EURopean ACcredited Engineer) and the CTI accréditation (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur).

Graduates enrolled in the Bruface programme obtain a joint degree from the ULB and the VUB.

In 2013, our Master of Science in Chemical and Materials engineering obtained the label EUR-ACE (EURopean ACcredited Engineer) and the CTI accréditation (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur).

Graduates enrolled in the Bruface programme obtain a joint degree from the ULB and the VUB.

Our students have the opportunity to enroll for an Erasmus exchange program, a Double Degree and also an internship abroad (Europe and outside Europe).

The joint Master of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineeirng offered in the framework of the Brussels Faculty of Engineering (a ULB and VUB initiative) is taugh in English and therefore accessible to international students. http://www.bruface.eu/EN/

Access conditions


The main training focuses in Chemistry and Materials Science are :

  • Synthesis and characterization of chemical and material compounds

  • Study of the structure-properties relationship of molecules and materials

  • Instrumentation, modeling and (bio)process design

  • Fluid dynamics, transport phenomena and industrial processes

  • Recycling, environment and pollution control

  • Introduction to the safety of industrial installations and to the biotechnologies

The Master program (120 ECTS - 2 years) is characterized by a broad common core (56 ECTS spread over the two years) covering different fields of chemical and materials engineering, including the materials fundamental properties and environmental technologies.

Two options are available (30 ECTS spread over the two years):

  • Process Technology : to gain expertise in process control, from the development and use of modeling tools to process implementation.

  • Materials Science : advanced teaching on multiple aspects from design and synthesis of products and materials to their elaboration and the study of their properties.

Students will complete their programme either with an internship and/or with optional learning units for at least 10 ECTS. If they wish, they can also follow an Entrepreneurship module.

Finally, a master's thesis dissertation (24 ECTS) needs to be carried out in one of the laboratories, and can be in collaboration with an industry, a research center or a cooperation unit.

What's next ?


Chemical and materials engineers work not only in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, food industries or in materials production (advanced materials, polymers, nanomaterials, paints, cosmetics, metal alloys…), but are also found in engineering or consultancy firms, research centers, public service, NGO …

They also find positions in multidisciplinary teams in numerous sectors: aeronautics, electronics, biotechnologies, environmental technologies, construction technologies, etc.

Professions: Production engineers, Research engineers, Experts in many fields.

Chemical and materials engineers are responsible for bringing to market chemical and pharmaceutical compounds, foods and materials meeting increasingly demanding specifications.

Their know-how is exploited at all stages of product development: research and development, design and management of production lines, marketing. They have to deal with economic, safety and environmental constraints. The optimal use of raw materials and recycling are similarly part of their work.

Chemical and materials engineers are responsible for bringing to market chemical and pharmaceutical compounds, foods and materials meeting increasingly demanding specifications.

Their know-how is exploited at all stages of product development: research and development, design and management of production lines, marketing. They have to deal with economic, safety and environmental constraints. The optimal use of raw materials and recycling are similarly part of their work.