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Mathématique générale : analyse
Course teacher(s)
Luca Paolo Merlino (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Basic notions, series, topology in R, limits of functions, continuous functions, derivatives, integrals.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
LO 2.2 Display critical thinking, logical and abstract reasoning and develop an independent approach to learning
LG3. Quantitative skills
LO 3.1 Solve standard mathematical problems
LO 3.3 Assess the quality of the a quantitative analysis of an economic problem
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Courses requiring this course
Teaching methods and learning activities
Theory: ex cathedra course.
Students are divided into groups for exercise sessions.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Cours de mathématiques pour économistes, 1989, Philippe Michel, Economica.
Mathématique pour économistes et gestionnaires, 2010, Louis Esch, 4e édition, ouvertures économiques, De Boeck Université.
Course notes
- Université virtuelle
- Syllabus
Other information
Luca Paolo MERLINO - e-mail: luca.paolo.merlino@ulb.be
Maxime BOUCHE - e-mail: maxime.boucher@ulb.be
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
written examination
A written exam on the theory as well as the exercises takes place during the January exam session. This exam can be taken again during the May/June exam session. In such a case, the grade obtained in May/June replaces the one obtained in January.
The final first-session grade for the course MATH-S-101 is the average of the grades obtained for Calculus and Linear Algebra.
During the second exam session (August/September), a written exam of the same type as the one organized during the first exam session is organized.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
100% written exam.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french