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Histologie et TP - module 2
Course teacher(s)
Ievgeniia PASTUSHENKO (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Theoretical course: Functional organisation of cells in tissues, systems and organs. Immune system. Skin. Respiratory system. Urinary system. Digestive system. Endocrine system. Male genital system. Female genital system.
Practical works: microscopic study of tissue slides.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Acquisition of knowledge of microcopic structure of human tissues and organs, in relationship with their molecular and functional organisation
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Courses requiring this course
Teaching methods and learning activities
Theoretical courses: lectures.
Practical works: microscopy.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Human Histology, (Alan Stevens and James Lowe). Mosby. - Ultrastructure of cells and tissues.(Cross and Mercier). De Boeck Université.
Contribution to the teaching profile
Acquisition of basic scientific knowledge in these disciplines - To show ability of autoevaluation and retroaction - To be open-minded to research and to show scientific curiosity
Other information
Prof. Jean-Pierre Brion
Secretary: Mrs Pascale Surardt (psurardt@ulb.ac.be).
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Special Histology: Theory: written examination (multiple choice questionnaire).
Practical works: oral examination and microscopic analysis of tissue slides.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
A global examination mark combining Theory (60%) and practical works (40%).
if a partial mark (Theory or Practical work) is inferior to 08/20, the maximal global examination mark is 07/20.
The global examination marks equal or supertior to 10/20 will be reported to the next academic year.
The examination marks inferior to 10/20 will not benefit from a partial report (Theory or Practical works) to the next academic year.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french