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Anatomie pathologique spéciale
Course teacher(s)
Laetitia Lebrun (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
General points :
Surgical Pathology Organization
Surgical pathology diagnosis
Review of the different sectors (urology, gynecology, pneumology, gastroenterology, neurology, haematopoietic system, endocrinology)
Pathological-clinical correlation with specificities in terms of samples differential diagnosis
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
At the end of this teaching unit, the student is able to integrate into his medical practice all aspects of Surgical Pathological
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Cours co-requis
Courses requiring this course
Teaching methods and learning activities
Theory courses: power point presentation - virtual university
Practical courses : power point presentation - slides projection (Zoomify) - virtual university - interactive course
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Pathologie générale - Enseignement thématique - Biopathologie tissulaire - ELSEVIER (2ème édition)- Collège français des pathologistes (CoPath)
"MUIR'S TEXTBOOK OF PATHOLOGY" - Edited by C. SIMON HERRINGTON (15ème édition) - CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group)
Robbins - Anatomie Pathologiques - bases morphologiques et physiopathologiques des maladies (3e édition française traduite de la 6e de langue anglaise)- PICCIN - Présentation par J.J. VOIGT
Rubin's Pathology - Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine (7th edition) - WOLTERS KLUWER - R.Rubin, D.S. Strayer, E.Rubin (Founder and Consulting Editor)
Contribution to the teaching profile
Clinical integration of the surgical pathology diagnosis through the different clinical specialties
Other information
For Professor Salmon, Professor Rorive and Doctor Lebrun : Véronique Millecamps 02/555 31 15 (veronique.millecamps@erasme.ulb.ac.be)
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Written examination : open questions - Second quadrimester
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
.../20 including theory and practical courses
Language(s) of evaluation
- french