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Histoire de la musique du XVIIIè au XXè siècle
Course teacher(s)
Marie-Alexis COLINECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
The main composers and landmarks of history of music, from XVIIth to XXth c., are presented in relation to their historical, cultural and esthetical context. Some esthetical issues shared by music and other forms of art (litterature, painting, architecture, sculpture) are exposed and the class is a reflexion on the role of musical works as cultural markers.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Objectives :
to help the student to be familiar with musics
to offer chronological landmarks of the evolution of Western music, from Antiquity to the present, in relation to the historical and cultural context
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
1. associate music with painting, architectural works, as well as historical, literary, philosophical subjects considered in the other courses of the programme.
2. establish the main landmarks in the evolution of music, in relation to the historical and cultural context ; to be able to recognize a series of musical extracts considered during the class.
3. associate the creative process of music with other artistic manifestations.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Courses requiring this course
Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis
Teaching methods and learning activities
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
DUBY, Georges (dir.), Atlas historique : l’histoire du monde en 317 cartes, Paris, Larousse, 1987.
GROUT, Donald J., PALISCA, Claude, Burkholder, Peter, A History of Western Music, New York, Norton, 2010, 2 vol. , 2 CD boxes (+ 3 vols of scores for students in Musicology). (set book for the students in Musicology)
HONEGGER, Marc (éd.), Dictionnaire de la Musique. Les hommes et leurs œuvres, Paris, Bordas, 1970.
_________________ Dictionnaire de la Musique. Techniques, Formes, Instruments, Paris, Bordas, 1976.
MICHELS, Ulrich, Guide illustré de la musique (trad. de l'Allemand), Paris, Fayard, 1988-1990.
TRANCHEFORT, François-René, Les instruments de musique, Paris, Seuil, c.1980 (2 vol.) (set book for the students in Musicology)
Course notes
- Syllabus
- Université virtuelle
Other information
Via secrétariat d'Histoire de l'art et archéologie (02/650.24.19)
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Depending on the medical situation:
portfolio+ oral presentation
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
Oral presentation : 50%
Portfolio: 50%
Language(s) of evaluation
- french