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Formes et genres musicaux : analyse, perception, interprétation I

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Christopher MURRAY (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Aural and written analysis of music from the 18th to the 20th century.

Every other year, (including the 2012-2013 academic year) the program is

dedicated to polyphonic structures and imitative forms (fugue, variation,

serial music, minimalism), and in alternate years (2013-2014) to forms of

contrast and development (sonata form, lied...).

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Introduction to formal analysis of music

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Cours co-requis

Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

collective guided analysis and individual exercises

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Recommended reading (non obligatory)

ABROMONT (Claude) & de MONTALEMBERT (Eugène), Guide des formes de la musique occidentale, Fayard, 2010.

ABROMONT (Claude) & de MONTALEMBERT (Eugène), Guide des genres de la musique occidentale, Fayard, 2010.

Other information


Email: wcorten@ulb.ac.be

Substitute (2012-13): Chris Murray christopher.murray@ulb.ac.be

Assistant: Thierry Levaux tlevaux@ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Written examination and three analytical projects

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

20% x 3 for the three analyses plus 40% for the final exam /

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
