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Laboratoires et Stage de recherche

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Simone NAPOLITANO (Coordinator), Juan Antonio AGUILAR SANCHEZ, Barbara CLERBAUX, Gilles DE LENTDECKER, Patricia Maria LOSADA PEREZ, Ioana Codrina MARIS and Simona TOSCANO

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

This is a Teaching unit of 10 ECTS:

Soft matter laboratory: 3 ECTS
Particle physics laboratory: 3 ECTS
Excursion to CERN: 2 ECTS
Internship in a department service: 2 ECTS

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The laboratories allow students to have a first approach to experimental physics in the field of soft matter physics and the physics of elementary particles, including a laboratory study of the fundamental principles of detection and measurement in the fields mentioned above.

Lab of particle physics: students will build an experiment to identify cosmic muons and measure certain properties. They will work with detectors (scintillators and photomultipliers). Data acquisition equipment will allow them to collect the data and analysis tools will be developed and used to analyze the data and extract a measurement.

Lab of soft matter physics: students will use different experimental techniques to solve problems related to the physics of soft matter

The internship: the internship allows the student to immerse themselves for the first time in the world of current research, within a group of researchers from the physics department. The student chooses the service and the research subject, as well as a promoter of their stage. The list of internship subjects is available on the physics department website. Students are nevertheless advised to discuss with departmental researchers, as the possibilities for topics evolve quickly.

The excursion: the excursion takes place over three days and allows an in-depth visit to the research activities carried out at CERN in Geneva. The excursion includes an introduction to CERN and accelerator physics, typically followed by the following visits: CERN accelerator chain, the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (the LHC), fixed target experiments (NA62, Compass , NA61), anti-matter experiments, the CLOUD experiment.Teaching unit of 10 ECTS:

Soft matter laboratory: 3 ECTS
Particle physics laboratory: 3 ECTS
Excursion to CERN: 2 ECTS
Internship in a department service: 2 ECTS

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and corequired courses

Cours co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

This is a laboratory course which takes one full 36-hour week. The students are divided into groups (binomes/trinomes) to collectively work with one of the experimental devices

Other information


Experimental Soft Matter and Thermal Physics, ULB


Plaine, Outside campus ULB


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


A written laboratory report is due one week following the completion of the experiment.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

If all partial scores are greater than 10/20, the final mark is based on the % indicated in the following lines. Otherwise, the overall mark will be given by the smallest of the partial marks

35%: soft matter laboratory (a report is requested)
35%: particle physics laboratory (an oral presentation is required on the last day of the laboratory)
30%: internship in a department service
00%: excursion to CERN (no note relating to the excursion to CERN)

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
