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Advanced Quantum Field Theory
Course teacher(s)
Glenn BARNICH (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Chapters of advanced quantum field theory. Choice from: Partition functions from canonical quantization. Path integrals in quantum statistical mechanics. Holomorphic methods. Partition function of massive scalar field. Casimir effect. Finite temperature Casimir effect and massless scalar partition function. Massless scalar in 1+1 dimensions and introduction to conformal field theory. 1-loop effective action and renormalization. Heat kernel and zeta function. Quantum gauge fields and BRST methods.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
To gain familiarity with quantum field theory beyond S-matrix computations. Gain experience with advanced techniques of quantum field theory through a detailed study of selected applications.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and Corequired knowledge and skills
PHYS-F410 Quantum Field Theory I
(PHYS-F440 Quantum Field Theory II)
Cours co-requis
Teaching methods and learning activities
Ex-cathedra course + exercise sessions
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
See bibliography in the course notes given on the UV
Course notes
- Syllabus
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
Acquire advanced scientific expertise in a domain of physics. Understand the laws of nature through their formulation in quantum field theory.
Other information
Method(s) of evaluation
- Oral examination
Oral examination
Oral examination on the theoretical part and the exercise session including the presentation of a question that can be freely chosen.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The mark is entirely determined by the performance during the oral exam.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french
- english