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Régimes politiques comparés
Course teacher(s)
Jean-Benoît PILETECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
This course provides the theoretical and analytical knowledge to understand comparative politics worldwide. It addresses a wide range of crucial topics in the comparative politics literature: how to define and classify democratic and autocratic regimes; the working of legislatures and executives and the balance of powers; the variation in electoral systems, its consequences and the incentive structures these create for actors in the political system; the functioning of political parties and the comparative analysis of party systems. Moreover, the course also covers questions on institutional design in divided societies (e.g. multi-ethnic states) and looks at the evolution of citizens' political attitudes and behavior towards key institutions of representative democracies. Throughout the course, we will cover recent real-world examples of the various topics and highlight interesting country cases where possible.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
The goal of the course is to provide students with invaluable skills and knowledge with regard to major issues in comparative politics and discovering, accessing and analyzing countries globally.
Teaching methods and learning activities
Auditorium lectures (24h). Slides on the Université Virtuelle (UV) after each lecture. Compulsory reading list provided on UV
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
see syllabus for full list
Other information
gert-jan.put@ulb.be (send email to make an appointment)
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Written exam in English in January and in August.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
100pc of the grade for the written exam
Language(s) of evaluation
- english