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Master in Political Sciences : General (60 credits) , option SOIR

Master in Political Sciences : General (60 credits) , option SOIR

This formation is organized out of office hours.

The 2025-2026 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Master in Political Sciences : General (60 credits) , option SOIR
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 60 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Human and social sciences/Political and social sciences
  • Schedule type
    Evenings and weekends
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    1 year
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences



General information

Degree type

Master 60 credits

Theoretical programme duration

1 year

Learning language(s)


Schedule type

Evenings and weekends



Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)


he master’s in political science in one year (60 credits) is offered in two versions: The daytime programme is fully taught in English. The evening programme is fully taught in French.

The evening programme in French aims at offering an additional training to students who wish to reorient their professional perspectives.
Completing the programme (60 credits) will help you in acquiring:
  • An analytical approach based on rigorous methods;
  • General knowledge of the concepts and theories in the field of political science;
  • Writing and public speaking skills in French;
  • An opening to the world.

Active teaching methods: seminars, individual or group presentations and papers, combined with ex cathedra courses.

New technologies and e-learning are an integral part of the teaching methods offered to students.

To choose the master’s in political science (60 credits) at ULB is:

  • Choosing for a high-quality additional training and/or professional re-orientation;
  • Studying in an internationally renowned department. For the fourth consecutive year, SciencePo ULB was ranked in the Top 100 worldwide. We ranked 1st in Belgium and Top 5 of French-speaking institutions worldwide in the field of political science and international relations (QS World University Ranking by Subject 2018);
  • Choosing for an international environment: among the faculty and researchers of the Department, there are more than 15 different nationalities, and almost 50% of our students are from outside of Belgium;
Studying political science in Brussels, the capital of Europe and second largest city worldwide in terms of international institutions;

Opening the doors of potential careers in national, European, international, regional or local institutions, as well as in the political, social, or economic world, associations, media, the private sector (consultancy, public relations), and education or research.

Website: https://phisoc/ulb.be/fr/la-faculte/departement-de-science-politique
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn: @SciencePo ULB

At SciencePo ULB, you can experience internationalization in house. Among the Faculty and researchers, there are more than 15 different nationalities. And about 50% of our students are non-Belgian.

You are going to study political science in Brussels, capital of Europe and 2nd city in the world in terms of international institutions. More than a third of the people living in Brussels are non-Belgian.

Access conditions


The evening programme in French offers you:

  • A General training in political science;
  • An opening to various sub-fields and area studies in the discipline ;
  • An analytical approach based on rigorous methods in order to prepare for your Final Dissertation;

Students admitted in the programme who do not hold a bachelor’s in political science (or equivalent) can be given an additional programme. The courses in this additional programme are courses from the bachelor’s in political science, taught in French during the day. Students are informed of these admission requirements before registration.

What's next ?


With this additional training, graduates of this programme will be able to orient or re-orient their career path to a wide range of jobs in various sectors:

  • Career in the European sector at the heart of Europe: European civil servant, European institutions or organizations;
  • Career in the international sector: diplomacy, international institutions such as the U.N., OECD, WTO, etc.;
  • Career in the social and political sector: political parties, unions, lobbies, ministerial or parliamentary assistant, etc.;
  • Top civil servant in the Belgian public administration;
  • Career in the non-profit sector: NGO, humanitarian, etc.;
  • Analyst o consultant in the private sector;
  • Career in political communication or journalism.

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