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Hands-on learning: project manager (chef de projet)

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Peter BERKE (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Project and group management.

Note that this teaching unit is given exclusively in French.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Two main objectives are aimed at with this project:
  • develop a sound approach allowing for a reliable managing of the BA1 student group all along the project and to lead the group the further possible in their project,
  • develop a critical mind on the project manager's attitude in the management of a group and a project.

Teaching methods and learning activities


References, bibliography, and recommended reading

See the project guide available in the beginning of the academic year.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

This teaching unit primarily contributes to the development of the following skills:

  • master and mobilize a structured body of knowledge, both transversal and specialized, and be able to develop it with autonomy and critical thinking,
  • innovate by combining rigor and creativity in a critical and demanding scientific approach (including state of the art, problem statement, making assumptions, modeling, validation, argumentation and confrontation with peers),
  • define, plan, manage and carry out large-scale projects taking into account their objectives, resources and constraints and ensuring the consistency and quality of the approach and deliverables,
  • work effectively with other professionals (in teams, in partnership or in competition), make decisions and develop leadership, in a variety of professional, disciplinary and cultural contexts,
  • communicate and exchange information in a structured manner – orally, graphically and in writing, in French and in one or more other languages – on scientific, technical and cultural levels, adapting to the aim pursued and the interlocutor or audiences concerned,
  • act as a reflective and autonomous professional, part of a continuous professional development process,
  • develop an ethical and responsible professional practice, taking into account societal issues (ethical, social, environmental and economic aspects).

Other information


Prof. Peter Berke

Building, Architecture & Town planning (BATir) Department

Brussels School of Engineering/École polytechnique de Bruxelles

Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 (CP 194/2), B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)

Phone: +32 2 650 6552 - Email: peter.berke@ulb.be




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


The project manager student is assessed on 4 dimensions using evaluation grids that can be consulted by the student:

  1. the performed work in the entire duration of the project, assessed by the supervisor,
  2. the student's portfolio, assessed by the supervisor,
  3. a short written summary produced by the student, assessed by the jury's president,
  4. the interview (oral presentation and discussion), assessed by the jury.
All evaluation grids are available in the project guide that the project manager students receive during the training weekend.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

The final grade is not per se an average of the grades for the 4 assessed dimensions, these partial grades merely serve to inform the jury. The jury decides on the final grade, with the input of the supervisor who accompanied the project manager student from the start of their project on.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
