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Methods in Epidemiology

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Katia CASTETBON (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The learning Unit includes two Activities I & II.

I. Methods in Epidemiology

* Basics in epidemiological methods: general overview; descriptive indicators; study designs; measures of association; attributable risks.

* Effect modification, confounding and stratified analysis; biases and validity; causality criteria.

II. Clinical Epidemiology

* Diagnosis; prognosis; survival analyses; paired analysis.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

To understand, apply and analyze methods used in epidemiology

Teaching methods and learning activities

Alternating lectures, practical applications and students’ presentations.

Personal readings for preparation of presentations.

NB: The first courses will be given online. As soon as possible, courses will be taught in-person.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

See books listed at the beginning of the course.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Other information


Katia Castetbon (katia.castetbon@ulb.be)


Erasme, Outside campus ULB


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Personal work
  • written examination
  • Group work

Personal work

written examination

Group work

Written examination (including multi-choice questions);

Scientific articles’ presentation;

Virtual research project

NB: a written exam is planned in January 2021. Presence in Belgium is requested. Depending on the sanitary situation, modalities will be adapted.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

First session:

I. Methods in Epidemiology: 60% sitting exam + 40% continuous evaluation (exercises, presentations...)

II. Clinical Epidemiology: 50% sitting exam + 50% research project

All activities should be higher or equal to 10/20 overall to pass the Learning Unit at the 1st session.

Second session:

When the Learning Unit is not validated at the 1st session, the 2d session will include a sitting exam regarding the failed activity part(s).

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
