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Anthropologie de l'environnement
ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
This course is organized into three modules: ontologies of nature, society-environment relations, and environmental policy through the lens of political ecology.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
At the end of this course, students will be able to distinguish the main theoretical orientations in environmental anthropology. In the first module, entitled “Ontologies of nature”, these questions are approached from a philosophical and symbolic angle, from the idea of nature as “good to think about” present in anthropological writings practically from the very beginnings of the discipline to the recent turn towards relational ontology and performative interpretation. The aim of the second module, “Society-environment relations”, is to introduce other approaches - essentially cultural ecology, human ecology, historical ecology and ethnoscience - which place greater emphasis on social and biological interactions. The third and final module, "Environmental policy through the lens of political ecology”, is devoted to a final school, "political ecology”, whose analyses deal with environmental policies.
Teaching methods and learning activities
The teaching method is lecture-based. It includes ex cathedra presentations, case studies, extracts from emblematic texts, obligatory readings, conferences and the use of documentary films.
Course notes
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
This course is designed for students from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and other faculties. It enables the former to deepen their knowledge of anthropology, and the latter to familiarize themselves with the contributions of the social sciences.
Other information
Appointments can be made by e-mail to véronique.joiris@ulb.be. They take place in the titular's office (Institute of Sociology, S.13.208, 44, Avenue Jeanne, 1050 Ixelles) or via Teams.
Method(s) of evaluation
- Personal work
- Other
Personal work
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
A report on the readings (5/20), additional personal research (5/20), an essay on the readings in relation to the course modules (10/20).
Language(s) of evaluation
- french
- (if applicable english )