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Time series analysis

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Yves-Caoimhin SWAN (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Table of contents
  • Chapter 1: Stationary time series
  • Chapter 2: Hilbert spaces
  • Chapter 3: ARMA processes
  • Chapter 4: Time series data analysis
  • Chapter 5: Estimation of the mean and autocovariance function
  • Chapter 6: Parameter estimation for ARMA models
  • Chapter 7: GARCH models
  • Chapter 8: Further topics

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

A thorough understanding of the mathematical aspects linear time series methods and their manipulation with R software.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The theoretical course rests on slides accompanied by an oral presentation. Exercise sheets are provided, along with detailed corrections (both for the mathematical developments as well as the R solutions). You are expected to solve the exercises by yourselves; office hours will be organised (on a scheduled basis) for you to ask your questions. 

All information will be provided via the UV and Teams and all other appropriate communication channels.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading


  • Brockwell, P.~J., Davis, R.A., and Fienberg, S.E. (1991). Time Series: Theory and Methods: Theory and Methods. Springer Science & Business Media.

  • Shumway, R.~H. and Stoffer, D.~S. (2017). Time series analysis and its applications: with R examples. Springer.

  • Neusser, K. et~al. (2016). Time series econometrics. Springer.

Course notes

  • Podcast
  • Syllabus
  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

Within the "Profil d'enseignement Master en Sciences mathématiques", this course contributes to most items of

  • 1- Constituer, développer et entretenir des connaissances dans différents domaines des sciences mathématiques

  • 2- Résoudre des problèmes en acteur scientifique

Within the "Profil d'enseignement Master en Sciences actuarielles", this course contributes to most items of
  • 1- Constituer, développer et entretenir des connaissances dans différents domaines des sciences actuarielles

  • 2- Résoudre des problèmes en acteur scientifique

Within the "Profil d'enseignement Master en Sciences des données", this course contributes to most items of
  • 1- Constituer, développer et entretenir des connaissances dans différentes disciplines scientifiques

  • 2- Résoudre des problèmes en acteur scientifique

Other information


Yvik Swan
mail: yvik.swan@ulb.be
phone: 02/650.58.86




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination

written examination

All information will be provided via the UV and during class. 

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

All information will be provided via the UV and during class.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
