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Ethnographie et Appréciation des animaux domestiques

academic year

Course teacher(s)

François-Xavier PHILIPPE (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Partim Ecology
This course begins by giving the general principles of ecology and then continues by presenting the characteristics of the living environment of domestic animals in specialized breeding farms, showing how these characteristics can influence their well-being, health and level of production. The course also discusses the influence that animal presence can have on the general quality of the environment.

The course includes 30 hours of theory and 12 hours of practicals/exercises.

It deals with :
  • general principles of ecology;
  • animal housing in general: air quality, lighting, noise, bioclimatology, insulation, ventilation, heating... ;
  • specific housing modalities for the different categories of domestic animals;
  • the impact of the environment on animal health and of the animal on environmental health.
Practicals/exercises provide an overview of the course by integrating the data from the different chapters.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Partim Ecology
The objective of the course of applied ecology for domestic animals is to provide useful information for a veterinarian doctor to be able to :
  • analyze the various components of the animals' environment that may interfere with their well-being, health, and production levels;
  • to determine, on the basis of this analysis, whether the living environment offered to the animals meets their needs;
  • discuss environmental issues related to domestic animals.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and Corequired knowledge and skills

Partim Ecology
Some basic notions in chemistry, physics, animal physiology and animal production.

Cours co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

Partim Ecology
This course, both for the theoretical part and for the associated practical work/exercises, is not subject to an audience presentation. It is offered to each student via online support designed and hosted at ULiège and accessible to all students of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, who are following the Bachelor's degree course in veterinary medicine.

It is thus an online course with video presentations, exercises, practicals, forum,... via the website eCampus at ULiège: https://www.ecampus.uliege.be

An information session on the objectives and content of the course as well as on the modalities of operation of the online course, is organized at the beginning of the 2nd four-month period.

A forum is available to all students of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation who follow this course so that they can ask questions on the matter.

Formative quizzes are provided so that students can check their level of understanding of the course as they progress through the course.

Other information


Partim Ethnography: Prof François-Xavier PHILIPPE, local E2.4.314, francois-xavier.philippe@ulb.be , 0498/29.75.11

Partim Ecology: Prof Jean-François CABARAUX; Jean-Francois.Cabaraux@ulb.be  ; 0472/61.50.51




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination

written examination

Partim Ecology
The final exam is written in the form of a "multiple-choice questionnaire" (MCQ). It is organized simultaneously for all students of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Practicals will be evaluated during this final exam; the questions asked will assume that the matter has been well seen and understood.

The pass grade for the Partim Ecology is 10.00/20 and grades below 10.00/20 will not be rounded up.
The grades below 9.00/20 will not be rounded to 9.00

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

  • Partim Ethnography : 50%
  • Partim Ecology : 50%
  • Success of the teaching unit: The final mark is established on the basis of the harmonic average of the two partial marks. The overall pass is acquired for any final mark equal or superior to 10/20. Nevertheless, in the presence of one or more marks lower than 10/20, the mark of the UE will be established by the Jury of deliberation. If a student passes one of the partial exams (mark equal to or higher than 10/20), he/she will not have to retake this part even if he/she does not validate the UE. This partial mark will then be carried over automatically from one session to the next and from one academic year to the next. However, the student may make a formal request to the holder to improve the grade.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
