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Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General

Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
  • Degree type
  • Tier
    1th cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Human and social sciences/History, history of art, and archaeology
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    3 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Human and social sciences - History, history of art, and archaeology
  • Jury President
    Laurent BAVAY
  • Jury Secretary
    Olivier GOSSELAIN



General information

Degree type


Theoretical programme duration

3 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Human and social sciences - History, history of art, and archaeology

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

Succeed in your studies


The information and guidance counsellors at the InfOR-études service will help you choose your studies throughout the year.


Take part in preparatory courses or get help to succeed, before or during your studies.

Get help

Apply for financial aid, look for accommodation or a student job, get support for your specific needs.


Fulfill your ambitions by developing your ability to synthesise and analyse, by learning to deal with complex information and by considerably broadening your knowledge.


There are many different options on offer: pre-history, the ancient world, the Middle Ages, modern times, contemporary art, musicology, arts and archaeology in Africa, pre-Columbian America.

Over the course of the year our teaching assistants will supervise the exercises and encyclopaedic work

You have at your disposal:

  • The human sciences library and a training course in documentary research

  • A virtual picture archive

Mobility is strongly encouraged: you can sign up for our exchange programme with foreign universities and institutions.

Access conditions


What's next ?


If you go on to do a Master in History of Art and Archaeology, you will be able to work in the following areas:

  • museums

  • excavation teams

  • art galeries

  • cultural centres

  • libraries and documentation centres

  • publishing houses and record companies

  • the press (written, radio and television)

  • cultural sponsoring

  • teaching

  • ministries

You could also move into research.