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Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology
- academic year2024-2025
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Programme titleBachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology
Programme mnemonicBA-HMUSI
Programme organised by
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Degree typeBachelor
Tier1th cycle
Field and branch of studyHuman and social sciences/History, history of art, and archaeology
Schedule typeDaytime
Languages of instructionfrench
Theoretical programme duration3 years
Category / TopicHuman and social sciences - History, history of art, and archaeology
- Jury PresidentLaurent BAVAY
- Jury SecretaryOlivier GOSSELAIN
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Additional information
General information
Degree typeBachelor
Theoretical programme duration3 years
Learning language(s)french
Schedule typeDaytime
Category(ies) - Topic(s)Human and social sciences - History, history of art, and archaeology
Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)
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Programme objectives
At the end of their bachelor, the student must be able :
to master the main currents in philosophy, literature, history and music history;
know important artistic tendancies and links between the arts;
know the principal genres, genres, forms, musical languages, instruments and their evolution;
and master the tools and processes of scientific research.
Teaching team and methods
courses, seminars, tutorials
Access conditions
The programm concentrates mainly on the history of Western music from Middles Ages to the present, and is completed by an introduction to ethnomusicology. The programme includes the study of important composers and genres, the study of the evolution of musical styles and languages, as well as the links between music and other arts.
Musicological courses form an important part of the student’s formation from the first year of classes at the university. Students also follow several courses shared with all the students registered in Art history and Archaeology. Musicology courses include music history, ethnomusicology, seminars in musicology, jazz history, the history of music instruments, research methodology, theory, and analysis. In the second year of study, musical training is reinforced in classes given at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.
What's next ?
After a Bachelor, the students may prepare a Master in History of Art, a degree which will allow them a broad range of job opportunities from teaching to careers in the media (television, radio, and print), theatres, concerts societies, opera houses, libraries, institutions promoting cultural.