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Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences

Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences

The 2024-2025 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

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    Call to actions

    • Programme title
      Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences
    • Programme mnemonic
    • Programme organised by
      • Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
      • Université de Mons
    • Degree type
    • Tier
      1th cycle
    • Field and branch of study
      Human and social sciences/Political and social sciences
    • Schedule type
    • Languages of instruction
    • Theoretical programme duration
      3 years
    • Campus
      Charleroi Ville Haute/Solbosch
    • Category / Topic
      Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences
    • Jury Presidents
      Daniel ZAMORA VARGAS (Bruxelles), Maïté Maskens (Charleroi)
    • Jury Secretaries
      Alexander NEWELL (Bruxelles), Renaud Maes (Charleroi)



    General information

    Degree type


    Theoretical programme duration

    3 years

    Learning language(s)


    Schedule type



    Charleroi Ville Haute/Solbosch

    Category(ies) - Topic(s)

    Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences

    Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)


    +32 2 650 38 97

    Succeed in your studies


    The information and guidance counsellors at the InfOR-études service will help you choose your studies throughout the year.


    Take part in preparatory courses or get help to succeed, before or during your studies.

    Get help

    Apply for financial aid, look for accommodation or a student job, get support for your specific needs.


    The programme provides the student with the opportunity of acquiring basic knowledge in a range of disciplines in such a way that he is able to bring light into complex social situations in an informed manner.


    This BA programmes provides a general education in a wide range of human sciences leading towards more than ten MA programmes that require analytical and thinking skills directly related to the working world.

    During the bachelor period, students choose units which give them an initial orientation towards one of the following MA programmes:

    • Occupational science

    • Political science

    • Public administration

    • Sociology

    • Anthropology

    • Human resource management

    • Population and development sciences

    • Public health

    • Criminology

    • Performing arts

    • Environmental studies

    • Educational science

    The bachelor as a whole provides a good background in languages.

    We provide :

    • COACHING: the department has introduced a coaching programme targeting all students enrolled in the first bachelor year. It is run by a team of assistants. The aim of this coaching is to support students in their first steps at the University and to help them pass their exams.

    • exercise sessions ;

    • guidance ;

    • and our teaching staff is available to answer your questions;

    • It is also possible to consult your exam scripts.

    You will have at your disposal :

    • the human sciences library;

    • several specialist libraries;

    • the faculty computer rooms

    • a website : www.philoscsoc.ulb.be

    The Department has exchange agreements with more than a hundred partner universities in Europe and throughout the world.

    Access conditions


    The BA in Human and Social Science provides a general education in human sciences (sociology, political science, history, law, economics and management) but also in statistics, giving students the opportunity to make a more informed choice of their future orientation. The options available allow students to increasingly individualise their education in preparation of taking the MA programme that interests them most.

    What's next ?


    Opportunities vary dependent on the Master chosen.


    • Public administration

    • Social services (social security organisations, family planning centres, welfare centres, etc.)

    • Health

    • Training

    • Public relations

    • Voluntary organisations

    • Civil service

    • Trade unions

    • Justice administration

    • Youth services

    • Prison administration

    • Consultancy

    • National and international institutions (European Commission, World Bank, etc.)

    • Polling organisations

    • Teaching

    • Research centres

    After gaining a Master degree, students can also go on to do research, working either in a university context or in a non-university, private or public organisation.

    • University-level social worker

    • Involvement in industrial relations negotiations

    • Social action/work manager

    • Employment / labour management

    • International aid and development agency (humanitarian, NGO, etc.)

    • Human resource manager

    • Team leader/organiser in the non-profit sector

    • Consultant, human resource / training manager

    • Civil service occupations

    • Manager in the private sector

    • Project manager

    • Consultant

    • Secondary school teacher / university lecturer

    • Researcher in anthropology or sociology