Bachelor in Digital technologies for information and communication

Short presentation

This 180-credit Bachelor's degree provides a broad-based education in computing and digital technologies, information and communication sciences and a consolidated general knowledge of the place of digital technology in our society, so that we can understand it and take action.

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  • Programme title
    Bachelor in Digital technologies for information and communication
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication
    • Université Catholique de Louvain
    • Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet
    • Haute Ecole Galilée/Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales
    • Université de Mons
    • Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut/Condorcet (catégorie économique)
    • HEG/Haute Ecole Galilée (catégorie Pédagogique)
  • Degree type
  • Tier
    1th cycle
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    3 years
  • Campus
    Charleroi Ville Haute
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics/Sciences and technics - Engineering sciences/Human and social sciences - Information and communication
  • Andry Tiffany



General information

Degree type


Theoretical programme duration

3 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type



Charleroi Ville Haute

Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics/Sciences and technics - Engineering sciences/Human and social sciences - Information and communication

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies) Foreign exchange



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The Bachelor's degree in Digital Technologies for Information and Communication provides high-level access to a variety of disciplines in the information and communication sciences, as well as computer sciences and the humanities and social sciences. The Bachelor's degree aims to develop the following skills: 

Develop specific knowledge of digital technologies used for information and communication purposes

  • Identify and analyse how digital technologies can influence people's vision and experience of the world and their participation in it.
  • Mobilise and articulate knowledge from different disciplines to understand the issues associated with the digital transformations of society.
  • Use the most appropriate methods and tools for accessing and processing data and information to help make decisions and construct messages.
  • Adopt a critical and informed stance towards the collection, processing and use of data. (big data, algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence, visualisation, quantification, predictions, etc.).
  • Identify, master and use technological intelligence methods and tools in a variety of contexts, both professional and personal.
  • Design and formulate recommendations and solutions for those involved in the development, dissemination and use of digital technologies in various fields.
  • Shape the digital transformations of tomorrow by becoming a mediator between stakeholders in the digitisation process.

Developing cross-disciplinary skills

Mastering written and oral communication
  • Fluency in written and spoken French, including in the specific context of digital communication professions and applications.
  • Proficiency in English at C1 level, including English specific to the digital communication professions and applications.

Training in the scientific approach
  • Practise the scientific approach, including problematisation, formulation and verification of hypotheses, and the use of research methods adapted to the objectives.
  • Search for relevant information.
  • Analysing information, checking it, cross-checking it and processing it critically.

Acting in collaboration and as part of a community
  • Learn about project management methods, including team collaboration.
  • Use digital technologies with the emancipatory aim of strengthening the processes of transmission, exchange, sharing and critical construction of knowledge within society.

The internship planned as part of the "Projet 3 : Projet personnel en contexte professionnel" course may take place abroad (optional).

This 180-credit Bachelor's degree offers a multi-skills training in computer science and digital technologies, as well as a consolidated general knowledge of the place of digital technology in our society. The diversity of disciplines covered is useful not only for understanding and analyzing the digital society, but also for acting in it and transforming it. Emphasis is placed on 
  •  written and oral expression in French and English in the humanities and social sciences (psychology of communication, source criticism, philosophy of the digital age, etc.), enabling students to take a step back from the digital world in order to understand our society
  •  IT and technical disciplines (data processing, programming languages, web development, etc.) to enable students to take action.
  •  a wide range of practical communication concepts (strategic intelligence, visual communication, design, graphic processing of information, etc.).
At the crossroads of disciplines, the Bachelor's degree will train students with a capacity for analysis and action in various fields of digital communication.
The Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication (LTC) has developed a policy of helping students to succeed in their bachelor's program.
A tutoring course also enables B3 students to support and mentor B1 students who feel the need to do so.
Each year, students are asked to carry out a project designed to combine theory and practice within a concrete case. This project is carried out individually in B1, in a group in B2 and in a professional environment in B3.

Organized by ULB in co-diplomation with UMONS, UCLouvain, IHECS and HEPH Condorcet

Access conditions
