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Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine

Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine

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  • Programme title
    Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Medicine
  • Degree type
  • Tier
    1th cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Health/Veterinary sciences
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    3 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Health - Veterinary sciences
  • Jury President
    Laurence LADRIERE (unit 1), Kathleen MC ENTEE (units 2 and 3)
  • Jury Secretary
    Pascal LAURENT (unit 1), Anne BOTTEAUX (units 2 and 3)



General information

Degree type


Theoretical programme duration

3 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Health - Veterinary sciences

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

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Veterinary studies allow the student to become operational in all areas of veterinary medicine curative and preventive, individual and in group as well as in the fields of public health and research in health sciences. 3 units Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine prepare to understanding of the development of the animal organism, genetics, macroscopic and microscopic structures as well as cellular functioning and integrated pets. They prepare the student for the Master of Veterinary Medicine through the acquisition of a thorough knowledge of the animal in good health, developing scientific curiosity, his reasoning, his ability to synthesis and critical mind clinic, his dexterity and great human qualities.

Throughout the curriculum, teaching theory is richly complemented by interactive seminars and practical sessions in small groups, led by personal work, an internship at a veterinary practitioner and visits to farms that allow apprehend the practice and the realities of the profession in the field.

Bachelors in Veterinary Medicine graduates at the ULB access automatically

at the Master in Veterinary Medicine which is organized by the Federation Wallonia-Brussels only at the University of Liège and lasts three units. Success rate is excellent.

During the course you will have the opportunity to develop your skills in documentary research, macroscopic and microscopic observation, observation of the way live animals function. This will help you to improve your dexterity as wellas your powers of reasoning and critical analysis.

Students thrive in an environment of high level scientific Campus, Erasme campus devoted to health sciences. Section of Veterinary Medicine of the ULB is the only organized in a Faculty of Medicine, it brings the human and veterinary medicine in its fundamental dimension. A multidisciplinary team of researchers and clinicians internationally recognized (veterinarians, physicians, biologists, ...), provides students with a solid training focuses on the scientific criticism, openness and the clinical approach . Training at the university devotes a prominent place in the work practices, personal work, internships and teaching in the field (farm visits and livestock, an insemination center, the farrier school, ...). The human scale of the section permits to develop a pedagogy, where friendly and interactive discussions, observations and manipulations benefit everyone. At the end of the third unites bachelor, a one-day multidisciplinary scientific congress puts students in the spotlight by allowing them to make personal work.

Access conditions


The program includes a general education in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics and computer science as well as specific training in veterinary anatomy, embryology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology, nutrition, ethology, anthropology and ecology. The first unit is dedicated to

basic science education but there is already a specific course entitled "Structures, functions, adaptations and diversity of domestic animals." From the second year, the curriculum, Veterinary Medicine is clearly distinguishable. Some subjects such as biochemistry, immunology and microbiology are divided into a general part in unit 2 and a specific part in the third unit; other subjects such as anatomy, histology and physiology also spread on the unit 2 and unit 3 but are entirely dedicated to the animal.

What's next ?


Any holder of a Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine will move to professionally:

- Specialization

- Practicioner in small animal, equine, livestock and new pets (independent or veterinary clinic)

- The pharmaceutical industry and agribusiness in research and development (or commercial)

- Teaching and research

- Public Health (animal health, food inspection, inspection of pharmacies)

- Artificial insemination and gynecology

- Development cooperation